Many anti-missionary groups will point to Yeshua’s crucifixion and say because the Torah prohibits human sacrifice, his death on the cross couldn’t have atoned for anybody. However, I would argue that when we look at the laws concerning the 6 cities of refuge, quite a different picture is painted. If a person kills someone by […]
Archives for June 2021
J20-3: The Type Of Sins The Levitical Sacrificial System Could NOT Atone For
Following on the heels of my last post concerning Abraham’s bosom and the Place of Torments, there’s some important teachings from the Torah we should review at this point. When I say the Torah, I’m talking specifically about the Book of Leviticus. So let’s get down to it. In Leviticus, do you remember what the […]
J20-2: Where Did The Souls Of The Righteous Who Died BEFORE The Advent Of Yeshua Go?
In my last post, I was talking about the 6 Cities of Refuge and I concluded by saying that on a deeper level of Scriptural interpretation, these cities point to a little-known and mysterious place called “Abraham’s Bosom”. Let’s talk a little bit more about that today. First, I need to start off this conversation by […]
J20-1: How Ancient Civilizations Handled ‘Involuntary Manslaughter’
Today we begin Joshua Chapter 20. For the Complete Jewish Bible, click HERE. For the King James Version, click HERE. “Adonai said to Y’hoshua, ‘Tell the people of Isra’el, ‘Select the cities of refuge about which I spoke to you through Moshe; so that anyone who kills someone by mistake and unknowingly may escape there; […]
J19-5: The Politically Correct Deception That Says Israel Must Give Up Some Of Their Land For Peace
In light of the explosive conflict that has erupted in the Gaza Strip in recent days, I can’t hold back anymore and have gots to speak my mind. What in the world are you going on about Rich? I’m talking about how the established religious institutions in our country (America) and the world have created […]