Today I wanna take a closer look at the so-called 6 Sanctuary Cities God ordered to be established inside the land of Canaan To get things started, let’s take a look at an excerpt from the Book of Numbers where this idea was first introduced. “Adonai said to Moshe, “Tell the people of Israel, ‘When you […]
Archives for June 2021
J20-8: The Physical Things In the Bible Are Simply Models Of Spiritual Realities As They Exist In The Heavens
Yesterday we talked about the number one most important God-pattern of them all which is the principle of God throughout history electing, dividing and separating mankind for the purposes of creating a group of people that would be loyal only to Him. Today I’d like to introduce the second most important God-pattern we should be […]
J20-7: The Kingdom Of God Is A MEMBERS ONLY Club
Patterns! Patterns! Patterns! Pretty much from the very earliest of stages when I first started writing this blog, I’ve always been obsessed with and have always vigorously promoted just how important it is to glean, understand and apply the many God-patterns embedded in the Torah (the first five books of Moses). And while all the […]
J20-6: Read The Bible For Yourself Instead Of Relying On Your Pastor Or Doctrinal Traditions
Over the past couple of days we’ve been talking about the 6 cities of Refuge (also known as the Sanctuary Cities) and how they are a pattern that points to Abraham’s Bosom. I betcha a lot of what I shared raised a bunch more questions and possibly caused a heck of a lot more confusion […]
J20-5: The Difference Between ‘Old’ Testament Righteousness And New Testament Righteousness
I think it should be pretty clear by now that the Cities of Refuge are a physical demonstration of the New Testament gospel message. They show that if a person dies in an unrighteousness state, he is already judged and goes to the Place of Torments. But on the other hand, if a person dies in […]