“Then Adonai gave them rest all around, according to everything he had sworn to their ancestors. Not a man from all their enemies stood against them; Adonai handed all their enemies over to them. Not one good thing that Adonai had spoken of to the household of Isra’el failed to happen; it all took place.“-Joshua 21:42-43 Alrighty folks, […]
Archives for June 2021
J21-4: Why Any Map Of The 48 Levitical Cities Existing Today Is NOT Really That Accurate
Above we have a map showing where the 48 Levitical cities were located. But remember what I’ve said before. Any map in existence from the ancient world is nothing more or less than some scholar’s best educated guess. And of course, this map is no exception. All of the indicated locations are just educated guesses at […]
J21-3: If God Chooses You, Your Past Means Nothing
“The rest of the descendants of K’hat received by lot ten cities from the families of the tribes of Efrayim and Dan and the half-tribe of M’nasheh.”-Joshua 21:5 The Levites were split up into three main clans. They were KOHATH, GERSHON and MERARI and the 48 Levitical cities were assigned to them in this exact order. […]
J21-2: The Twelve Tribes Were Never Very Faithful In Meeting The Levites’ Needs
“So out of their inheritance the people of Israel gave the L’vi’im the following cities with the surrounding open land: The lot came out for the families of the K’hati. The descendants of Aharon the cohen, who were of the L’vi’im, received by lot thirteen cities from the tribes of Y’hudah, Shim‘on and Binyamin.”-Joshua 21:3-4 […]
J21-1: The Levites Were NOT To Fight In The Battle For The Promised Land
Today we begin Joshua Chapter 21. For the Complete Jewish Bible, click HERE. For the King James Version, click HERE. Up until now we’ve been talking about the 6 Sanctuary cities which were the Levitical cities of refuge set aside for someone who had accidentally killed another person. Moving forward, here in Joshua 21, we’re […]
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