Today we begin Joshua Chapter 15. For the Complete Jewish Bible, click HERE. For the King James version, click HERE. Joshua chapters 15, 16, and 17 deal with the assigning of the land on the west side of the Jordan River to 2 of the most influential tribes out of all the 12 tribes of […]
Archives for April 2021
J14-13: The One Place In Israel You Can Visit Today To See Where The Lost Ark Stood (It’s NOT Jerusalem)
“Y’hoshua blessed him and gave Hevron to Kalev the son of Y’funeh as his inheritance. So Hevron became the inheritance of Kalev the son of Y’funeh the K’nizi, as it is to this day; because he followed Adonai the God of Israel completely. (Hevron was formerly called Kiryat-Arba; this Arba was the greatest man among […]
J14-12: The Bible Is Much More A War Manual Than A ‘Love’ Manual
We’re going to encounter an interesting situation in the next few chapters coming up. Here’s the situation. Right now, Joshua is in the process of assigning the land to the 12 tribes. And recall, in yesterday’s post, how Caleb received his piece of real estate (Hebron and its surrounding territories) with much enthusiasm. However, afterwards, […]
J14-11: The Spiritual Paradox Every Believer In The World Has To Contend With
The last time we left off, Caleb was approaching Joshua to receive his land inheritance. Here’s the truth of what went down during that transaction. Caleb ended up getting a whole lot less than he originally asked for. He wanted ALL the territory he and his soldiers successfully conquered. However, you can’t always get what […]
J14-10: The Oldest And Boldest Badass In The History Of Mankind
“Now, look: Adonai has kept me alive these forty-five years, as he said he would, from the time Adonai said this to Moshe, when Israel was going through the desert. Today I am eighty-five years old, but I am as strong today as on the day Moshe sent me — I’m as strong now […]