“Then Y’hoshua said, ‘Open up the mouth of the cave, and bring those five kings out of the cave to me. They did it; they brought the five kings out to him — the kings of Yerushalayim, Hevron, Yarmut, Lakhish and ‘Eglon. After they had brought the five kings to Y’hoshua, he summoned all the […]
Archives for January 2021
J10-19: When You’re Obedient To God And In His Will, He Will Keep You Safe Even In Enemy Territory
“After Y’hoshua and the people of Israel had finished killing them off in a very great slaughter, till they had been destroyed, and the remaining remnant had entered the fortified cities, all the people returned safely to Y’hoshua at the camp in Makkedah; and no one said a word against any of the people of […]
J10-18: The Lord May Have Given Us The Victory, But We Still Have To Get Off Our Butts And Claim It!
There’s an important point I need to go over again concerning Israel’s battle with the 5-king coalition that’s directly applicable to our lives. When God told Joshua He had turned over the enemy to Israel, did you notice that Joshua’s men didn’t just sit on their butts around their campfires and sing Kumbaya while they […]
J10-17: War Was NOT To Be The Natural State The Lord Has Intended For His People
The Scriptures don’t give us a clear idea of exactly how much time passed between when Israel was attacked by the 5-king alliance, when the fighting stopped and when Joshua finally took care of the 5 enemy kings who were imprisoned in the cave at Makkedah. At first reading, we get the impression that all […]
J10-16: If God Has Already Given Us The Victory, Why Do We Still Have To Fight For It?
“Y’hoshua said, ‘Roll big stones to the mouth of the cave, and put men there to guard them. However, you, don’t wait, but keep chasing your enemies, and attack those farthest in the rear. Don’t allow them to return to their cities, because Adonai has handed them over to you.’”-Joshua 10:18 So the southern Canaanite […]