One question that sometimes gnaws at my psyche is… …why oh why is it so difficult to trust and obey God sometimes? Especially after the Lord has demonstrated to us time and time again that He is faithful and showered us with blessings, why do we still go chasing after idols and the things of this […]
Archives for November 2020
J7-2: What Does It Mean To Rob God?
We’ve been talking about the little known but oh-so-important Law of Herem otherwise known as “the Ban”. Yesterday, I showed how this principle was central to Yeshua’s famous saying…”Render unto Caesar’s what is Caesar’s and render what is God’s unto God”. Today, I want to show you another familiar set of Bible verses where the […]
J7-1: How This Little Known But Major Torah Principle Is Reflected In One Of Yeshua’s Most Famous Sayings
Today we begin Joshua Chapter 7. For the Complete Jewish Bible, click HERE. For the King James Version, click HERE. Joshua Chapter 7 deals with the battle to take the city of AI. The leading character in this story is a man doomed for destruction named ACHAN. This is a Bible story whose proper interpretation the […]
GUEST POST: Why Does Christianity Teach Us To Do Everything BUT What Jesus Did? By Steven R Bruck
Christianity has always said that followers of Yeshua (Jesus) should do as he did, but then they teach people to do everything BUT what Yeshua did! And if you ask me, the worst thing that they have taught is to worship Yeshua and center everything around him, effectively replacing the worship of God with the […]
J6-16: Modern Day Evidence That God’s Curse Over Jericho Is Still Alive And Well
I want to demonstrate that even today in our times the curse God placed on Jericho is still alive and well. A lot of Christian theologians will say that with the advent of Messiah and the ushering in of the so-called New Testament age the curse on Jericho was lifted. Well, that’s not the […]
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