“’Go, consecrate the people. Tell them, ‘Consecrate yourselves in preparation for tomorrow; for this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: There are devoted things among you, Israel. You cannot stand against your enemies until you remove them.”-Joshua 7:13 Way back when we were immersed in the Book of Leviticus, we learned a […]
Archives for November 2020
J7-7: When Prayer Is NOT The Answer To Your Problems
When Israel lost the battle at AI, Joshua was worried about two things. The first concern was what would happen if the other remaining tribes of Canaan got word of the fact that Israel just got soundly trounced by a smaller army. It would bolster their confidence and they would come after the Israelites to […]
J7-6: Why The Rabbis Severely Criticize How Joshua Reacted When He Lost The Battle At AI
“Y’hoshua sent men from Yericho to ‘Ai, which is next to Beit-Aven, east of Beit-El, telling them to go up and spy out the land. So the men went up, reconnoitered ‘Ai, returned to Y’hoshua and told him, ‘Don’t have all the people go up; but let perhaps two or three thousand men go up […]
J7-5: The Real Meaning Of ‘If Your Right Hand Causes You To Sin, Cut It Off And Throw It Away’
We’ve been discussing the doomed Achan and how his misappropriation of God’s Holy Property affected all of Israel. The lesson learned is how the sinful actions of just one person can infect the whole group. Now whenever I have a good chance, I like to show how the stories from the Tanak are connected to […]
J7-4: The REAL REASON Why God Holds The Whole Group Accountable For The Sin Of One Man
So why was the entire nation of Israel also blamed for Achan’s crime? Was it because God viewed everyone else as equally guilty as Achan? The answer is no. Or was it because God viewed the people as accessories who somehow teamed up with Achan when he stole holy property? Again, the answer is no. […]