Okay, finally, let’s apply what we know about the principle of Firstfruits to Israel’s conquering of the Land of Canaan. It’s actually pretty simple and I think you all know where I’m going with this. The first city Israel attacked was Jericho. Therefore, from God’s perspective, Jericho was a “first fruit” and that’s why He […]
Archives for November 2020
J8-3: Don’t Be Stealing Hashem’s Maple Syrup!!!
I wanna expand a little bit more on the firstfruits concept that while everything belongs to God, not everything is devoted to Him. This Scriptural principle is a much more serious matter than you think. When we study about holy war in the Book of Joshua, we need to keep in mind that the rules […]
J8-2: Everything Belongs To God, But Not Everything Is DEVOTED To Him
The last time we met we finished off with the following question hanging in the air: Why did God ban Israel from taking the spoils of war during the 1st attack on the city of AI but during the 2nd attack He allowed it? Was this some form of egotistic divine flippancy on God’s part? […]
J8-1: Why Did God Allow Israel To Partake Of The Spoils Of War The Second Time They Attacked Ai?
Today we begin Joshua Chapter 8. For the Complete Jewish Bible, click here. For the King James version, click here. At the conclusion of the previous chapter we saw that justice was done. Achan was executed and the holy property he stole was returned back to the Lord. Again, the spiritual pattern of restoring a […]
J7-19: Why The Story Of Achan Represents A Theological Problem For Many Pastors And Preachers
The story of Achan represents a theological problem for many pastors, preachers and Bible teachers. Why? Because they just can’t get their heads around the fact that a merciful and loving God would also destroy Achan’s family, his possessions and also his livestock. It’s because they feel so uncomfortable with parts of the Scripture like […]
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