“The commander of Adonai’s army answered Y’hoshua, “Take your sandals off your feet, because the place where you are standing is holy.” And Y’hoshua did so.”-Joshua 5:15 In Joshua 5:15, we have pretty much a direct quote from what was spoken out of the Burning Bush to Moses way back in the book of Exodus. […]
Archives for October 2020
J5-19: Who Was The Man Who Appeared In Front Of Joshua Wielding A Sword?
“One day, when Y’hoshua was there by Yericho, he raised his eyes and looked; and in front of him stood a man with his drawn sword in his hand. Y’hoshua went over to him and asked him, ‘Are you on our side or on the side of our enemies?’”-Joshua 5:13 All of a sudden, we […]
J5-18: Israel Crossing The Jordan Establishes A Pattern Of How A Believer Is To Grow After Coming To Faith
Yesterday I pointed out that the Lord ceasing to rain Manna down from heaven represented a major growth point in the faith of Israel. From now own, instead of being directly fed by the Lord, they would have to work the land and feed themselves and each other. This is a direct parallel to how […]
J5-17: Why Didn’t God Just Supernaturally Destroy Israel’s Enemies For Them?
“The people of Israel camped at Gilgal, and they observed Pesach on the fourteenth day of the month, there on the plains of Yericho. The day after Pesach they ate what the land produced, matzah and roasted ears of grain that day.The following day, after they had eaten food produced in the land, the man […]
J5-16: Three Reasons Why The Gentile Believer Should NOT Look Down On An Unbelieving Israel
Alrighty, one thing should be pretty darn crystal clear by now. In order to become a member of the Lord’s covenant community, circumcision is a non-negotiable requirement REGARDLESS OF WHETHER YOU’RE AN ETHNIC HEBREW OR A GENTILE. Got it? However, it is a circumcision of the heart, NOT the flesh, that’s important. Why? Because HASHEM […]