Today I wanna share something I believe is quite mind-blowing to say the least. Take a look at verse 6 of Joshua Chapter 5 and note the word I have colored in red. “…because the people of Israel walked forty years in the desert until the whole nation, that is, the fighting men who had […]
Archives for October 4, 2020
J5-12: The Real Reason Why The Lord Commanded The Second Circumcision Be Done With Flint Knives
“It was at that time that Adonai said to Y’hoshua, ‘Make yourself knives of flint, and circumcise the people of Isra’el again, a second time’”.-Joshua 5:2 Over the past week, we’ve been discussing the circumcision ceremony that took place at Gilgal. This mass surgical operation was an absolute requirement necessary before the very first Passover […]