“…the water upstream stood piled up like an embankment for a great distance at Adam, the city next to Tzartan; so that the water flowing downstream toward the Sea of the ‘Aravah, the Dead Sea, was completely cut off; and the people crossed over right by Yericho.”-Joshua 3:16 In order to enable the Israelites to […]
Archives for September 2020
J3-15: Why We Shouldn’t Be Discouraged When Difficulties In Our Life Seem Insurmountable
“So the people left their tents to cross the Yarden, with the cohanim carrying the ark for the covenant ahead of the people. When those carrying the ark had come to the Yarden, and the cohanim carrying the ark had waded into the water (for throughout harvest season the Yarden overflows its banks),”-Joshua 3:14-15 You […]
J3-14: How The Lord Demonstrated His Favor Had Transferred From Moses To Joshua
“Adonai said to Y’hoshua, ‘Starting today, I will make you great in full view of all Israel; so that they will know that just as I was with Moshe, so I will be with you.’”-Joshua 3:7 So the people sanctified themselves by immersing both themselves and their garments in the Jordan River. In other words, […]
J3-13: Salvation Is An Act Of God But We Still Have To Accept It
“Y’hoshua said to the people, “Consecrate yourselves, because tomorrow Adonai is going to work wonders among you. ‘Then Y’hoshua said to the cohanim, “Take the ark for the covenant, and go on ahead of the people.’ They took the ark for the covenant and went ahead of the people.”-Joshua 3:5 In verse 5, we encounter a […]
J3-12: The Law And Yeshua’s Sacrifice Are BOTH Acts Of God’s Grace
Here’s the truth about what the Scriptures REALLY SAY about the Law and Yeshua’s sacrifice. They are BOTH acts of the Lord’s grace. Got it? Not one or the other. Why is the Law grace? Well, think about it man. The Law is literally heavenly truth that God has revealed to man so that we […]