“It was at that time that Adonai said to Y’hoshua, ‘Make yourself knives of flint, and circumcise the people of Israel again, a second time’.”-Joshua 5:2 Let’s continue to dive into more of the great spiritual principles embedded in the text of Joshua Chapter 5. So Israel has safely crossed over the Jordan River and […]
Archives for September 2020
J5-5: Should We Remove Paul’s Letters From Our Bibles?
Yesterday I mentioned that if when reading the New Testament you encounter any verse by Paul or any of the other apostles that seems to imply the Law was done away with or altered, you need to search for a different explanation, period. Why? Because if you don’t, you’re violating one of either of the […]
J5-4: The Gentile Church Is Based Way More On The Writings Of Paul Than Yeshua
In my last post, I finished off by asserting that no matter what goes down in the history of Israel, there cannot be any fundamental change to the Law of God… …not at least until the close of the “Old” Testament. But this leads to the question of the New Testament. Did the advent of […]
J5-3: Whatever Occurs AFTER The Book Of Deuteronomy Cannot Involve Any Change To The Law of Moses
I finished off yesterday’s post by quoting verses Matthew 5:17-19. Let me post them again for you here. “Don’t think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete. Yes indeed! I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not so much […]
J5-2: No Biblical Prophet, Not Even Angels Were Ever Given Authority To Abolish God’s Law
There are two important things you have to remember as we move through the Tanach. 1st Thing: No new laws will be added to what has been established in God’s Holy Torah. 2nd Thing: No laws that have been previously established would be done away with. Got it? Not even angels or some other divine […]