All documents produced in the ancient world were meant to be read out loud, not read in silence. The reason is because most ancient documents were meant to be communicated to large groups of people at once. However, even when a letter was written for just one person, that letter was not just handed over […]
Archives for August 2020
J3-3: Yeshua Did NOT Say…’Let All Those Who Have Eyes To See, Read’!
Last time I concluded with a thought of utmost importance for the Torah student to grasp. The Jewish Bible was NOT meant to be read. It was meant to be passed along to the next generation orally. All those famous Bible stories and narratives we’ve grown to love were meant for storytellers to share out […]
J3-2: The Hebrew Scriptures Were NOT Meant To Be Read, They Were Meant To Be Spoken Out Loud
“Y’hoshua got up early in the morning, and they left Sheetim and came to the Yarden, he with all the people of Israel; they camped there before crossing.”-Joshua 3:1 The very first little phrase “Joshua got up early in the morning” leads us to a very important discussion about how we are to read and […]
J3-1: Israel’s Exodus BEGAN And ENDED By Crossing Through A Body Of Water
Today we begin Joshua Chapter 3. For the Complete Jewish Bible, click here. For the King James version, click here. In chapter 3, we witness a promise thousands of years in the making. The children of Israel finally, finally enter into their land inheritance the Lord first promised to Abraham. “I will always keep the […]
GUEST POST: ‘Walking in Parallel Universes With Hashem’
The perception of the human soul and its study have been around throughout human history ever since the creation of the first man (Adam Kadmon) and his beginning of awareness pertaining to his own consciousness. Taking into account the semitic people as the pioneers in this field of revealed study, and ultimately and definitively, starting […]