Jacob’s reunion with his twin brother Esau turned out to be uneventful. The years had softened Esau’s heart and the Lord had blessed him with great wealth and a growing family. When the brothers finally met face-to-face after many long years, the former animosity that had existed between them seemed to have disappeared. They […]
Archives for May 2020
DAY 35: The Wrestling Match With God That Led To The Birth Of Israel
Following on the heels of yesterday’s post, Jacob has fled Mesopotamia due to the growing hostility between him and his Uncle Laban. While secretly preparing to leave, Rachel has some devious plans of her own and decides to steal her father’s household gods and hide them with her on their journey. Understand this was a […]
DAY 34: Jacob Was 84 Years Old When He Married Rachel And Leah
We’ve now arrived at the third Biblical patriarch: Jacob. Recall Jacob had to flee from his family’s house because of his treachery toward his brother Esau. After a long journey, Jacob arrives at a well in Haran and there instantly falls head over heels for one of the young girls drawing water. The girl’s name […]
DAY 33: Why The Name Jacob Means ‘Deceiver’ In Hebrew
We now fast forward to Isaac’s last days. Currently 135 years old and blind, Isaac realizes the time has come to hand down the traditional family blessing to his firstborn son Esau. This blessing consisted of the majority of the family’s wealth as well as the authority to rule the family. Isaac was not aware […]
DAY 32: Selling One’s Birthright Was Actually A Common Practice In The Biblical Era
The next main Bible character we come to is Isaac or Yitz’chak in Hebrew. Unfortunately, the Scriptures don’t give us much information about this number two Biblical Patriarch. We know Isaac was quite wealthy because he took over his father’s wealth. We also know he was a shepherd like his father and wandered around constantly […]