We are continuing our high level review of the Torah currently focusing on the character of Abraham. Per God’s command, when Abraham left his hometown to head towards Canaan the first place he stopped at was a place called Shechem. Today, Shechem is one of the cities of dispute located in the West Bank of […]
Archives for April 2020
DAY 14: If Abraham’s Line Is From Shem, Why Was He Considered An Amorite Who Descended From Ham?
It’s important to not forget that the blessings and curses Noah pronounced upon his three sons Shem, Japheth and Ham were all prophetic in nature. Many years after the incident of Noah getting drunk and being humiliated by his son Ham, Ham’s son Canaan departed from the home of his father and settled in that […]
DAY 13: The Origins Of The Land Of Canaan Begin With The Wickedness Of Noah’s Son Ham
Alrighty, I ended yesterday’s post by mentioning that the land of Canaan was not to be considered a country or a nation. Instead, it’s a huge region that actually contains multiple states and nations clustered together inside it. Now in a similar fashion, although we refer to the inhabitants of Canaan as Canaanites, that’s also […]
DAY 12: The Land of Canaan Was NOT A Country Or Nation
We don’t know much about Abraham’s life before God called out to him. All we can do is make intelligent speculations based on what we’re given in Scripture and other historical accounts. However, all facts considered there probably wasn’t anything exceptionally extraordinary about Abraham. He was most likely just as surprised as anyone would have […]
DAY 11: Why Did Abraham Marry His Half-Sister If Such Relationships Are Forbidden In Torah?
Let’s go over the details of Abraham’s biographical profile. Abraham had two brothers. This was an unusually small family for this time. One of Abraham’s brothers died and afterwards Abraham took his half-sister Sarah to be his wife. Now I know what you’re thinking. Didn’t God outlaw such marriage relationships between same-blood family members? The […]