We’re currently focusing our Torah overview on the study of Abraham. Why? Because he’s the man who was chosen and used as an instrument to bring about a chosen people who would become a nation of priests unto the Lord. Let’s talk a little bit about the world Abraham lived in about 4000 years ago. […]
Archives for March 2020
DAY 4: Why Our Modern Day Usage Of The Term ‘Anti-Semitism’ Is Completely Backwards
Today let’s quickly talk about the origin of the term “anti-Semitism”. Originally the word “semite” comes from the word “Shemite”. And where does the word “Shemite” come from? It’s actually a term invented by a scholar about 200 years ago used to refer to all of the many descendants of Noah’s son Shem. Once this scholar […]
DAY 3-Why It’s A BIG MISTAKE To Call Abraham ‘The First Jew’ Or The ‘The First Israelite’
The history of Israel begins with one man named Abraham. Why do we start with Abraham? Because he is the one with whom God not only made an eternal covenant but it is from Abraham’s seed that the Hebrew race sprang. However, there is one big mistake a lot of folks make when talking about […]
DAY 2-Minus The Existence Of Israel, Prophecy Simply CANNOT Happen
We are indeed living in amazing times. And no, I’m not talking about the dreaded Corona virus that has seized the world’s attention at the moment (I’m writing this on a Sunday, March 29th, 2020). I’m talking about the fact that we are the generation who has been given the privilege to witness the literal […]
DAY 1-Israel Is The Skeleton To Which The Meaty Flesh Of All Scripture Is Attached
Alrighty folks! From today, I’m going to be kicking off a high level review of the Five Books of Moses. Over the past five years, we’ve taken a verse-by-verse and chapter-by-chapter microscopic approach to our study of the Torah. However, in the next couple of weeks, I’m going to give you the big picture so […]