“‘I considered putting an end to them, erasing their memory from the human race; but I feared the insolence of their enemy, feared that their foes would mistakenly think, We ourselves accomplished this; Adonai had nothing to do with it.” -Deuteronomy 32:26-27 Up until now we’ve been examining the ruthless and avenging side of Hashem. […]
Archives for February 6, 2020
D32-31: The Idea That The Lord Does NOT Cause Evil And Calamity Is As False As Hen’s Teeth
“For my anger has been fired up. It burns to the depths of Sh’ol, devouring the earth and its crops, kindling the very roots of the hills. I will heap disasters on them and use up all my arrows against them. Fatigued by hunger, they will be consumed by fever and bitter defeat; I will […]