“He found his people in desert country, in a howling, wasted wilderness. He protected him and cared for him, guarded him like the pupil of his eye.” -Deuteronomy 32:10 In the latter half of verse 10 we’re told that God guards over Israel as though Israel was the pupil of His very own eye. There’s […]
Archives for January 2020
D32-9: The Real Meaning Of The Phrase…’Israel Was The Lord’s Share’
“but Adonai’s share was his own people, Jacob his allotted heritage. “He found his people in desert country, in a howling, wasted wilderness.” -Deuteronomy 32:9-10 Alrighty, now that we’re aware that God has assigned other divine but subordinate beings to rule over the gentile nations of the earth, I think we can all the more […]
D32-8: The Book Of Daniel Testifies To The Existence Of Divine Beings Who Rule Over The Gentile Nations
Yesterday I told you we’re going to answer the question of whether or not there are other divine beings who rule over the gentile nations of the world by using the Book of Daniel as our text source. Well, let’s jump right into it. Start by clicking right HERE to read verses Daniel 10:4-14. Did […]
D32-7: In Scripture, Satan Is Also Called A ‘Son Of God’ Or BENEI ELOHIM
“When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when he divided all mankind, he set up boundaries for the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel.” -Deuteronomy 32:8 We are in the midst of attempting to bring clarity to a thorny issue in Scripture that has been debated without conclusion for […]
D32-6: Are There Other ‘Divine Beings’ Besides God Who Rule Over The Gentile Nations?
“When ‘Elyon gave each nation its heritage, when he divided the human race, he assigned the boundaries of peoples according to Israel’s population;” -Deuteronomy 32:8 We need to have a discussion about verse 8 of Deuteronomy chapter 32. Why? Because this verse has been furiously debated over time and depending on which Bible translation you’re […]