“You ignored the Rock who fathered you, you forgot God, who gave you birth.” -Deuteronomy 32:18 Verse 18 accuses Israel of one of the most horrible sins one could commit: to forsake and forget the one who gave them life. We’re told it was the rock who created them, nurtured them and brought them into […]
Archives for January 26, 2020
D32-20: How Can We Tell The Difference Between Demon Possession And Mental Illness?
“They sacrificed to demons, non-gods, gods that they had never known, new gods that had come up lately, which your ancestors had not feared.” -Deuteronomy 32:17 Alrighty, we’re still in the midst of examining verse 17 which is a short but actually quite comprehensive list of “gods” that Israel would be tempted to worship. The next […]