“But Yeshurun grew fat and kicked (you grew fat, thick, gross!). He abandoned God his Maker; he scorned the Rock, his salvation.” -Deuteronomy 32:15 From verse 15 the content of Deuteronomy chapter 32 shifts again and this time we are shown an unfortunate human tendency resident in all of us. We’re told of Israel’s disloyalty […]
Archives for January 21, 2020
D32-14: There Is No Logical Reason For Israel To Ever Consider The Help Of An Alternative Spiritual Source
“Adonai alone led his people; no alien god was with him. He made them ride on the heights of the earth. They ate the produce of the fields. He had them suck honey from the rocks and olive oil from the crags, curds from the cows and milk from the sheep, with lamb fat, rams […]
D32-13: Minus Believing God’s Word You Have Zero Context For Understanding The Middle East
In our discussion of Deuteronomy Chapter 32 so far, we’ve delved into some absolutely fascinating topics. We’ve discussed how the gentile nations of the world are ruled by other divine beings (under Hashem’s control of course). We’ve also discussed how the Lord uses the evil nature of the gentile nations to punish Israel who He […]