“You didn’t eat bread, and you didn’t drink wine or other intoxicating liquor; this was so that you would know that ‘I am Adonai your God.’”-Deuteronomy 29:5 Verse 5 tells us that while dwelling in the Wilderness, the Israelites did not eat bread nor drink wine or intoxicating liquor (strong drinks). And what’s the reason? […]
Archives for November 2019
D29-4: The True Biblical Definition Of Legalism
“Nevertheless, to this day Adonai has not given you a heart to understand, eyes to see or ears to hear!”-Deuteronomy 29:3 Today I want to share an interesting quote from a very highly acclaimed Torah scholar named Jeffrey Howard Tigay. He is a modern biblical scholar best known for the study of Deuteronomy and for his […]
D29-3: Unless The Lord Gives Us The Gift Of Spiritual Awareness, We Cannot Properly Obey Him
“Nevertheless, to this day Adonai has not given you a heart to understand, eyes to see or ears to hear! -Deuteronomy 29:3 In verse 3 of Deuteronomy 29, we encounter a very powerful and mysterious statement. Moses informs the people that yes indeed, they have surely seen with their own eyes the many wonders in Egypt […]
D29-2: The Real Meaning Of A Bar And Bat Mitzvah Ceremony
“Then Moshe summoned all Israel and said to them, “You saw everything Adonai did before your eyes in the land of Egypt to Pharaoh, to all his servants and to all his land; the great testings which you saw with your own eyes, and the signs and those great wonders.”-Deuteronomy 29:1-3 Right off the bat from […]
D29-1: Even After Sinai, The Ancient Hebrews Still Held To A Polytheistic Belief System
Today we begin Deuteronomy Chapter 29 For the Complete Jewish Bible, click here. For the King James version, click here. Bible academics refer to Deuteronomy Chapter 29 as Moses’ Third Discourse. Why? Because the Book of Deuteronomy is a 3-part sermon. In each part of his message, Moses is repeating, expanding and explaining in depth the […]