Let’s take a trip back in time.
Jesus and His disciples are sitting on top of the Mount of Olives overlooking the great temple, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
While the disciples are gazing with pride at this monumental piece of architecture symbolizing the eternal glory and power of the God of Israel, Jesus points to it and says:
“You see all these? Yes! I tell you, they will be totally destroyed — not a single stone will be left standing!”
The disciples are shocked and they ask Jesus,
“When will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”
And thus begins a conversation that has fascinated and perplexed Bible scholars down throughout the centuries.
I am referring to Matthew Chapter 24.
While Jesus is relating the events that are to occur, the disciples probably thought that the destruction of the temple and the end of the age would all happen at the same time.
However, Jesus makes it clear in this chapter that there will be a whole sequence of events.
He talks about the generation that would witness the destruction of the temple in 70AD and he speaks about the abomination of desolation standing in the Holy Place.
Now what is of particular noteworthy mention is one piece of advice Jesus gives His followers about what to do to escape the inevitable slaughter that will accompany the destruction of the temple.
Let’s take a look at Luke 24:20.
“Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath.”
-Luke 20:24
Can you see the tremendous significance of this statement?
Jesus believed that His disciples are going to be keeping the Sabbath 40 years after His death.
In other words, the Sabbath was still sacred at 70AD!
I believe that God has made it clear that He believed His disciples would be keeping the Sabbath all the way to the end of time.
I’m done.
Another great point that I had never heard.
The evidence is overwhelming that the Torah laws have always been in affect, and quite possible, always will be.
God never changes. But man would sure like Him too. 🙁