“Adonai, God, planted a garden toward the east, in ‘Eden, and there he put the person whom he had formed.”
-Genesis 2:8
Here is something you probably haven’t heard your pastor ever talk about.
However, it is a pattern that is repeated throughout the Scriptures.
The direction East has great spiritual significance and is always associated with holiness.
Note that the Garden of Eden was planted in the eastern part of Eden.
This should also tell you that the Garden of Eden is NOT the same thing as the Land of Eden.
The Garden of Eden was a separate piece of landscape with defined boundaries located inside the Land of Eden.
So whenever you encounter the direction East in the Scriptures your antennas should go on high alert because the direction East is almost always connected with holiness.
Here are some interesting examples.
- As I just pointed out, the garden was planted in the east of Eden
- Cherubim (celestial beings) were stationed on the east side of the Garden of Eden (this happened after Adam and Eve were kicked out)
- Parts of the burnt offering were to be thrown to the east side of the altar (you probably don’t know what I’m talking about here but you will once we get into the Book of Leviticus)
- The tabernacles’s entrance faces east
Here’s another super interesting point.
Look at the below statements and see if you can decipher a logical pattern.
-In Ezekiel’s vision God’s glory comes from the east and enters the temple from the east
-The same temple faces east with a river flowing east from it
-The Messiah is prophesied to come from the east
-Cain was exiled to the east after murdering Abel.
-People travelled to the east to build the Tower of Babel.
-When Abraham and Lot separated from each other, Lot travelled east to the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah
-The Tribe of Judah was exiled to Babylon in the east.
Did you notice the pattern?
The scriptural pattern is this:
Positive, Godly things come FROM the east.
But traveling to the east is a bad thing.
Or another way to put it is, “Going west is positive while going east is negative.“
“For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.”-Matthew 24:27
NOTE: What’s odd is that lightning doesn’t usually flash from the east to the west anywhere in the world. This has got to be a prophetic statement of supernatural purport.
P.S. If you enjoyed this post, click HERE to read another article on the same topic.
If Holy Spirit comes from the east, that would be the dwelling of spirit, of the temple, Glory of God…so is it possible that “to be sent to” or “to travel to” the east is to “be cleansed by spirit”?
When we have missed the mark, we should travel to Spirt to be cleansed.
By all means! Head East! Turn to the Holy Spirit.
Along the way, you will experience trials and tests, but truth, spirit, forgiveness, God are all in the east and are the direction you should go!
Sun sets in the west. Lay to rest the old. Sun rises in the east. Rise again in Christ Consciousness.
From the scriptural pattern given above, going to the East is going against the will of God/or being banished from His presence (negative) and in the new testament dispensation, the Holy Spirit has been deployed within the universe and hence we don’t go to where He is, for He is all over. We only need to ask Him to cleanse us (from where we are) from all manner of defilement.
The Holy Spirit only cleanses one time if you do fall short the Bible says if any man sin you have an advocate with the father Jesus Christ the righteous which means if we fall short God is arguing for our cause going east or west is not a thought of the natural man but coming from the East is a purpose that God’s judgment is coming only for Gods spiritual purpose
New testament came from the east
I agree with your statement. It’s shows the redemption of our King. Even shows he wanted repentance on our part.
So how can it be negative to go EAST like he SAYS. I’m shocked he would say that. SHALOM
That sounds good in theory, but as you will see in the pattern described above, the Temple is the reference point. Everything is in relation to the Temple. So your perspective disoriented because it is not using the same original reference.
In the examples given above, the direction East has in some places a negative connotation.
I guess it has to do with the direction into someones moves. Moving eastward seems to relate to exile, while moving westward is a return to the garden and the presence of God.
So, to move from the east to the west is to come back to His Presence!
(see link for more examples from scripture: https://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/questions/448/what-is-the-significance-of-east-in-the-scriptures )
Exactly- it’s the physical direction one moves. If someone moves East it’s toward unholiness. If they physically move West it’s toward belief and holiness.
If the gate faces East you have to move West to enter it -> toward holiness. As you exit the temple you move East, away from holiness. This article is saying the exact opposite and is incorrect.
Remember when Adam and Eve were moved out of Eden’s Garden, they were actually removed from the east, and so their children were Cain and Abel who lived with them at that time in history were banished out of the east with them. When Cain killed Abel he was outside the east. However, when cain turn to God and received A mark of protection from God, that seal gave cain the privilege to walk back to the east side of eden. Towards the east is back to Glory.
East of the city, outside the gate or outside the camp always referred east as well which is where the second Temple (Miphkad) altar was located on the Mount of Olives. This was the ‘clean place’ where carcasses of some of the animals were burnt and also it was the place for the red heifer’s sacrifice. The priest had to have a view of the Temple’s Sanctuary from there thus the eastern wall was built lower than the rest so the priest could see it as he sprinkled the red heifer’s blood 7 times towards the Temple. This was in effect the actual place of redemption which is why Yeshua had to have died in that eastern area and not in one of the false tombs tourists are taken to…
Thank you for posting this, as I’ve come across wanting to understand the significance of direction. When I was reading Genesis, when Abraham camped between Bethel meaning “House of God,” and Ai, meaning “heap of ruin” I begin to try and understand deeper. In the Muslim culture, they face the east towards “Mecca” to pray to their god. Just trying to fully grasp the directions, because has anyone ever noticed, in major cities, the locations of NE or SE are always the rougher parts of the neighborhoods vs NW or SW?
Hi Felicia, Thanks for sharing. Interesting observation about the NE and SE always being the rougher parts of the neighborhoods vs the NW or SW.
Good east represents, in my understanding, a steep learning curve. It’s a pattern for observance and correction. The sun rises in the east. Moving east represents being in darkness and then light rising and shining upon your action. From there you choose how to respond. It is negative, but also shows retribution for those in communion with God, a constructive correction, maybe a parallel with chastisement, and offers destruction to those not in relationship with God…tower of Babel.
This is how I view this at the current time. It may not be 100pct accurate, but I do think the representation of correction through a trial and error is evident for those in communion with the LORD. This also is how holiness ties into the negative connotation.
Great post. I went 25 years before someone pointed this out to me.
Is it true that East represent the presence of God.
In a sense, yes.
Just trying to understand.. If God represents the East, in a sense, what is the meaning of certain “bad things” happening from the East, like in the book of Exodus with the East Wind..?
I think you are confused.. Things that come from God, like the locusts that plagued Egypt, came with the East wind… Scorching heat came with the East wind causing famine… Thus the plagues from the East are from God, and are inflicted upon the nations so they repent. Revelation harmonizes with this view as well regarding the four horseman of the apocalypse pestilence, war, famine, and death. Ironic that Covid19 began in China? Maybe… Maybe more than that… Hope this helps!
East represents beginning, rising of the sun, every thing to me will begin from the east wether good or bad cause it represents rising. Uou moving to the east means that you are backsliding, moving back to where you started, moving back to Egypt, going back to carnality.
East is the direction where it is connected with holiness. At the same time travelling east means going against the will of God. I am quite confused which direction we should head to.
Hi Eina, It is the ORIGINATION POINT that determines holiness. Things that come FROM the East are Holy. Something traveling towards the East is coming from the West and thus not holy. Remember, when Messiah returns he will come from the East. Shalom.
This comment helps so much! Shalom!
Then I also understand by saying that things from the east is holy because it is from God. God is holy. Then going to the east stands to reason that , moving with human nature unholy to a holy place is negative thus demands holiness which has to be Christ Jesus, the way upon which we can get to the Father in the east. This means that in the present dispensation which happen to GRACE has level up the way by Christ Jesus to the holy place the east. Therefore going to the east in Christ Jesus is no more a negative action. Glory to God.
You head East to receive the Light which can only be obtained Eastward. But as you receive the Light, you are not to remain in the East but you are mandated to take that Light to the World which is in darkness and that is Westward.
Take for instance, an atheist who’s just sensing that there is a god somewhere but don’t know where to go to search the truth. If he travels west, he’s going to be introduced to the gods that controls the dark side and the true Light won’t be in him. But he first needs to go westward and receive the True Light, as he receives, he can’t go Eastward again but now take that Light Westward where it is needed the most.
Probably stating the beginning of sin in the east where the garden is, and the end of sin, where the holies of holies is which was Jesus dying for our sins who tore the veil so that we all can be saved and once again have a relationship with our Lord and Savior.
The Confusion of some things in the Bible comes from the fact that we think as people from the west rather than people from the Ancient East, and also we need to have some knowledge of the Hebrew language. The word “qedem” in Hebrew means both “front” and “east” where “east” is a secondary meaning which developed because in the ancient thought the world was oriented towards the east where the sun rose, instead the north after the discovery of magnetic north. The word “qedem” with its meaning “front” refers also to the word “the past”. That means that instead of looking “forward” to the future, Ancient Hebrews were looking “forward” to the past. The thought behind it that the past is in front of us, we can see it, it is in front of our eyes, where the future is behind us, we can’t see it. This is very different from our western thought process. When we read in the Bible about East being holy and at the same time something bad, think the word “qedem”. Qedem is holy as east as the place of Elohim, and qedem is not as good as thinking about the past which is standing in front of us. We don’t go back to our past, because we left it forever through Messiah and we can only look at our past to learn a lesson, but never go back there.
Thank you so much for this. So many things get confusing due to the language barrier. Your comment has helped me understand. Thank you. I thank God for your understanding he has given you. I has greatly helped me!
Ah, interesting about the word qedem in Hebrew meaning both “front” and “east.” In Catholocism there is the traditional concept of “ad orientam” in which the priest consecrates the Eucharist with his back to the congregation (regardless of whether the chapel is actually built facing the cardinal direction of East) but facing “front” in the same direction as the congregation… and the novus ordo concept of “ad populem” where the priest faces the congregation.
I’m not sure if these Latin terms are informed by the Hebrew concept of qedem, but it’s an interesting parallel anyway!
Great insight, thanks as this makes much sense to me. I am ponder this for years. Long long ago and East seem to go together in some of the scriptures.
It is interesting to me that EAST is in the word EASTer. Happy Holy Easter to all!
I want to know more about eastern notification in the bible
In the Book of Torah(Bible). God creat the earth and the Sun rises from the East.
You know where the Sun rises, .It clearly written in the Book of Torah great sea from the east.(South Pacific Ocean)
In the new year of 2000 .People around the world came to Fiji to Witnessesd the new dawn of the Rising of the Sun, to witnessed what will happed in the year of 2000.But nothing happed, My Point is God created the Garden of Eden on the East that is the South Pacific.South Pacific were well known for its Tropical Climates. In the Book of Genesis God created the Earth and the Sea. Meaning there were only one whole land covered the world and it seperate it from the Sea.So Garden of Eden was included in this whole mas of land. So when Adam and Eve was Send out of from Garden. they were able to walk around the world . Did u know why God hide the Garden of Eden from us.Beacause there were plenty Sin on earth .How God Hide the garden of Eden . God caused a Great flood that covers the world.The water shoot out from the earth causing earthquake , which separate this whole mass of land into island and countries. In doing so God has hidden away the garden of Eden some where in the Rising of the sun. (SOUTH PACIFIC). Away from the Big countries like Europe, Asia, Middle East etc.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi, I was just browsing through and wanted to mention what seems to me the most significant fact. The temple and the curtain that separated Holy God from sinful man faced the East. This curtain was embroided with cherubim like those which guarded the garden of Eden. When Jesus died this curtain was torn in two. Man could finally go West again, into the holy of Holies, back into the presence of God. This marvellous message is that Christ is our great redeemer and by faith, we too can in him go West! Back to walking with God once more.
I’m not sure what else this website is about, but the point on East/West is good and therefore the Bible urges us to return West, not by our own good works and self righeouness, but through Jesus Christ who is the Way the Truth and the Life!
Adam and Eve were in the presence of God before they sinned. The garden east of Eden was WITHIN Eden, so when they sinned they were banished from the garden eastwards. This implies OUTSIDE Eden.
It follows that God is Spirit, the meeting point between God and men is in the west not east. Moving eastward is moving away from the presence of God, following the FLESH not Spirit. East therefore represents the WORLD (flesh) and west represents HOLINESS (Spirit). All those who head east (follow the world) are met by the wrath of God but those who head westward eventually are filled by His righteousness. Let’s see some biblical examples:
1. In 2 Numbers the glory of God entered the temple from the east so that it FIRST cleanses the israelites of their sins before they enter into His presence. Had the glory of God entered the temple from the west and the congregation enter from the east, it would mean that they enter while unclean, then they could all died.
2. Jesus entered Jerusalem from the east so that he cleanses all who believe in him. He is now the gate, because without his blood NOBODY can approach the presence of God in the west, where the mercy sit is guided by the cherubim with a flamming sword. Jesus cleanses his, takes them with him, dies for them on the cross, the veil is torn, those who were once following the world (east) hence dead in sin can live again through his resurrection bringing them before the throne (west).
Moving east is going against God’s will, hence encountering His wrath in dew time. This explains the plagues in Egypt, the tower of Babel etc. Following the flesh is moving towards the east which is moving away from His holiness.
The sun rises from east and sets in west, Jesus enters from east to west the he dies there. What does this mean? The sun shines from east the it sets in the west to bring darkness, just like Jesus enters from east then come to the temple cleaning it of business men, then dies causing darkness to those who followed him. When he is resurrected a new dawn to those who believed in him, to his disciples who were hiding in Jerusalem, not again looking at the physical sun but waiting for the TRUE LIGHT. And when the Holy Spirit had come, Malachi 4:2 is fulfilled:
Malachi 4 (KJV)
² But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
Always remember that the world moves in the east, we as believers we are to move in the opposite direction towards holiness. St Paul said FRIENDSHIP WITHE THE WORLD IS ENMITY WITH GOD.
Read these scriptures and compare:
Revelation 7 (KJV)
¹ And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.
² And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,
³ Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.
This angel was already on earth sealing the servants of the living God. He ascend to heaven (west) from the east (earth) to notify the four angels that he was not done yet sealing the elect. The four angels were in the west looking at the earth ready to harm it.
Have you ever recognized that when even you sit in your room or place that you sit to pray towards the East God answer such pray quickly depending of your faith.
I had tried this and it absolutely worked for me.
Now learn this, the East is where the Sun rise and the West is where the set.
Best regards
Interesting and exciting observation.
What is the direction “of the kings of the east” in Rev.16:12?
Go with the flow, down stream, not against it, after being born again. After reading all your comments, it seems to me that our mission should be to spread good news. To be like the disiples we go west? If we are the peebles in a sling shout, we fuel in the East to be released to our destination in the West. The weight room and the track are where we practice, in the East. On gameday we blast off towards the West to do battle with our foes.