In the 18th century the notion of Orthodoxy & Heresy found a new expression in what is today called Systematic Theology.
Systematic Theology was the gentile church’s response to the European Enlightenment.
If you’ve ever taken a basic philosophy class in university, no doubt you were exposed to names such as Hume, Voltaire and Kant.
The goal of these philosophers was to take the supernatural and miraculous elements out of the Jewish and Christian faiths and replace them with “rational empiricism” and “secular humanism”.
In other words, they promoted the belief there is no God…
And that the only way for mankind to progress was through rational thinking and one’s intellect.
Sounds pretty darn familiar, doesn’t it?
It was the Enlightenment that deified the Scientific Method as the ultimate and most reliable way to discover truth.
You’re familiar with the scientific method, aren’t you?
Basically, you make a hypothesis and then you conduct a physical experiment to see if your theory is true or not.
However, there’s only one big problem with this method.
If you can’t physically test something, then there can be no tangible evidence.
Thus, since you can’t test for God, then according to the scientific method, God doesn’t exist.
And the same thing goes for the spirit or any other thing that goes beyond our five senses.
Can you see the huge problem with this?
If our five senses can’t detect it, that means it doesn’t exist.
Therefore, the conclusion reached is that “faith” is not scientific.
It’s just another word for primitive superstition or myth.
But not only that, the other idea that’s brought forth is if one is to be an enlightened person, he or she shouldn’t believe in God.
Because no physical evidence about God can be reproduced in a laboratory.
Okay, so there’s an obvious takeaway here and I’m wondering if you caught it.
I already hinted at it earlier when I said…
“It was the Enlightenment that deified the Scientific Method…”.
That’s right!
The whole Enlightenment and the Scientific Method connected with it is nothing but another religion.
Instead of worshipping the one true God of Israel it worships man’s intellect and his ability to rationalize.
That’s a dangerous proposition to accept when you consider the Lord said…
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,
saith the LORD.
For as the heavens
are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways,
and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
In fact, in that sense, it’s closer to the New Age religion because it elevates man’s capacities above God’s.
So that’s your takeaway.
Don’t be fooled by the modern narrative that says science is somehow superior to religion.
It isn’t.
Science is useful…and has helped us in many ways.
But it shouldn’t be worshipped or put above man.
The heliocentric model sharply contradicts the biblical creation narrative. Space pseudoscience is replete with wild statements that are products of a humanist’s imagination. A spinning sphere in the midst of a void capable of keeping water, which always seeks “level” from flying into space; really? The Van Allen radiation belt seems like a possible reference to the firmament. How did those lunar quests make it so easily through the Van Allen before its discovery? I guess it is just coincidence that NASA lost all the successful calculations that made moon travel a reality-coincidental to dogs eating homework that is.