Following on the heels of yesterday’s discussion about the concept of “Orthodoxy & Heresy”…
What’s important to understand is this notion or the lack thereof represents the BIGGEST difference between Christianity and Judaism.
See, here’s the thing.
Judaism doesn’t operate within the notion of orthodoxy and heresy.
You’ve heard the expression “two Jews, three opinions”, right?
Well, that’s pretty much Judaism’s approach to theology.
Now don’t get me wrong.
There are times when one sect of Judaism will have strong theological disagreements with other sects…
But it doesn’t result in being branded a heretic or expelled from the congregation.
The idea that if you don’t believe as I do, you’re not a Jew was something that simply never happened.
Personally, that’s why I love Judaism…
Because it provides the freedom for continuous dialogue and debate on a variety of Biblical matters and doctrinal issues.
All you have to do is read the writings of the Jewish sages in the Talmud and the Mishnah and you’ll see there’s a wide range of viewpoints expressed on practically every Scriptural topic under the sun with zero call for someone to be excommunicated for holding to some opposing idea.
And it remains so today with very few exceptions.
Well, ironically and sadly, a Jew who accepts Yeshua as Israel’s Messiah is one of those exceptions.
But that wasn’t always the case.
In the beginning the early Messianic faith was considered just another sect of Judaism before the blasphemies of the Roman Church took over.
Once the Roman Church (aka gentiles) took over, the notion of “Orthodoxy & Heresy” became the norm.
If a church authority decided you were a heretic, that was it.
Often some random accusation was cooked up to serve some agenda the accused knew absolutely nothing about, but served well the purpose of shutting all dialogue down.
And in those days, if you were convicted of heresy, boy you were in big trouble.
I mean it could cost you your life.
This reminds me of the Messianic leader of a congregation I used to attend here in Tokyo…
This guy was a serious heresy hunter.
He would literally troll my personal Facebook posts to see if I would say something he considered questionable.
And if he found something, he’d call me out on it.
Needless to say, there’s a good reason why I’m not part of that congregation anymore.
And it looks like a lot of other folks also left because of the extreme dogmatism of that group…
Which brings me to the final point I wanted to express.
Yesterday, I shared how I’ve been thrown out of more than a few Christian Churches, the aforementioned Messianic Congregation and a bunch of Facebook groups over the “Jesus is God” doctrine.
But here’s the thing and this may come as a surprise to you…
I actually don’t have a problem if someone believes Yeshua is God…
As ridiculous and anti-Scriptural as I think the notion is, if a person after careful and honest examination of the Scriptures comes to that conclusion, then fine.
Although I don’t agree with it, I respect their freedom to hold that belief and will pray that God will give them a better understanding in the future.
What I do have a problem with is that your typical trinitarian will NOT reciprocate that same freedom of belief to me.
They will literally force me to confess that “Jesus is God” or I’m branded a heretic and kicked out.
This is such “anti-Jewish” behavior if you ask me.
In fact, I’d say such behavior is anti-God since our Father in heaven doesn’t push Himself on us in such a dogmatic manner.
Can you see the difference between Judaism and Christianity?
Again, it’s the whole “Orthodoxy & Heresy” dogma at play.
I know this is getting kinda long but to share one other quick example.
One of my best friends here in Japan is a full-blown Orthodox Jew who believes Yeshua is the Messiah…
His name is Joe.
Now I know this is gonna sound crazy but he also believes Yeshua is G-d!
But you know what, I don’t have a problem with it.
And you know what else is awesome, he’s cool with me not believing Yeshua is God.
He’s got his own good reasons for believing Yeshua is God…I think it has something to do with the Targums and the concept of the Memra or something.
Anyways, I too also have my own good reasons.
In fact, interestingly, the Messianic Congregation Joe used to attend in New York before he moved to Tokyo did NOT hold to the belief that Yeshua is God…but I digress.
The big takeaway here is the “Orthodoxy & Heresy” notion that if you don’t believe as I do, you’re a heretic who deserves to be damned and burned at the stake is NOT…I repeat NOT something that existed in the early Messianic community.
The next time we meet I’ll start taking down that other dogmatic Christian innovation known as Systematic Theology.
Later homies.
Since YHWH is called the “ELOHIM of elohim” (Deu 10:17), it is therefore apparent that there are other “elohim” (mighty ones – angels & mighty men) over which YHWH is their ELOHIM. These other “elohim” are obviously not equal to YHWH-ELOHIM, who is the only true ELOHIM, the only EL SHADDAI, the only EL ELYON.
Mashiach YAHshua is no doubt an “elohim”, the mighty one sent (shalach) by YHWH. However, Mashiach is also the only begotten Son of YHWH, which no other elohim is. On this account, we can differentiate (respectfully) Mashiach’s special (only begotten Son) “elohim” status from the other “elohim” who are not, and yet not confounding him with his ABBA YHWH-ELOHIM, the one and only true ELOHIM, the only EL ELYON.
Thank you Gim.
I believe I understand your explanation, and agree, though I’m incapable of having expressed it so accurately.
I think it’s ironic also, that Richoka’s Roman church issue is described in two Greek words!
But when the Romans split with the Eastern brethren some while later over the wording of a creed, that was in Latin – filioque! And the argument there was whether the Holy Spirit was given solely by the Father, or in conjunction with the Son.
Today’s English speaking version of the blasphemy seems be that, as many songs now say, “It’s all about Jesus”
I call it Jesusism.
Thanks Desd for your sharing.
If people confess and shachah (bow, worship) YaHshua as the Mashiach-Son of YHWH, that would be perfectly right (as with Peter’s confession). As you have pointed, that unfortunately today most Christians worship Christ as the Almighty, the Most High, etc; which is unscriptural. When worship of the Mashiach-Son becomes a substitute/ replacement for the worship of YHWH-ELOHIM, then the risk of breaking the 1st commandment is there.
You may wish to checkout this site for free download of the BTC – an Integrated Translation & Transliteration of the Hebraic Scriptures:
Hi Gim,
Interesting comment.
Can you clarify what you mean when you say Yeshua is an Elohim but not the Almighty Elohim?
Are you saying he is a god separate from the Father?
You also said “it is therefore apparent that there are other “elohim” (mighty ones – angels & mighty men) over which YHWH is their ELOHIM”.
So do you mean Yeshua is simply another “mighty man”?
Thanks again for sharing.
Any man or woman born of a human mother is a human being. All human beings are conceived by the respective seeds of the father and mother. In the case of M’shiach, ‘the RUACH kadosh came upon Miriam, and the gevurah of the ELYON overshadowed her’ (Lk 1:35), to enable his conception. By virtue of this, M’shiach is thus the only begotten (human) Son of ELOHIM. Angels and men have been designated as “elohim” (i.e mighty one), but this does not mean that they are of same substance as YHWH-ELOHIM. M’shiach is no less deserving of such “elohim” designation, yet he did not (for expediency) grasp at this designation/ entitlement.
Y’shua is that promised begotten-elohim (Jn 1:18), anointed-elohim, sent by His (and our) ABBA-YHWH-ELOHIM.
So let me ask you this for clarity?
Do you stand together with the Christians in believing Yeshua is “God in human flesh” as they phrase it?
Do you believe in the typical Christian understanding of the Trinity that the Father, Son & Holy Spirit are CO-EQUAL beings?
It seems like you do NOT believe they are co-equal…
Because you said “that unfortunately today most Christians worship Christ as the Almighty, the Most High, etc; which is unscriptural.”
So I’m assuming you do NOT believe the trinity belief. Is my assumption correct?
You are correct.
The BTC-ITT bible reflects the correct teaching adequately.
Thank you Gim.
Hey listen, I must admit I’m kind of blown away by your comments about Yeshua being an Elohim etcetera.
This represents a new understanding I may not have considered before.
I was wondering would you mind doing a guest post on the topic?
In your article you can promote your Bible translation.
Please let me know.
Dear Richo,
Like to followup with just one quote from BTC to show the difference between elohim, Elohim and ELOHIM:
YaHchanan (John) –
“10:33 The YAHudim answered Him: We do not stone You for a good work, but for blasphemy, and because You, being a man, make yourself ELOHIM[49].
10:34 YAHshua answered them: Is not it written in your Torah: I have said: you are elohim? [Ps 82:6]
10:35 If HE called them elohim, to whom the davar of ELOHIM came, and the sephar cannot be broken,
10:36 do you say of Him Whom the ABBA sanctified and shalach into the world: You blaspheme, because I said: I Am the Son of ELOHIM?[50]
10:37 If I do not do the works of My ABBA, do not trust Me.
10:38 But if I do them, though you do not trust Me, trust the works; that you may know and trust that the ABBA is with me, and I with the ABBA.”
BTC Footnote:
“[49] Vs 10:33 – blasphemy. Another malicious accusation that Messiah is claiming to be ELOHIM, just because He said (vs 30) that He is of one accord (unity in purpose/ objective) with the ABBA.
[50] Vs 10:33-36 – elohim, son of ELOHIM. YAHshua quotes from Ps 82:6 to show that there are ‘elohim’ and ‘sons of ELYON’ (mighty ones, judges, rulers, angels) over which ABBA-YHWH is the ‘ELOHIM of elohim’ (Ex 15:11; Deu 10:17). Thus, even if YAHshua had claimed to be an ‘elohim’ or ‘son of ELYON’, it would still be in order to those who understand that ‘elohim’ or ‘son of ELOHIM’ are NOT equal to YHWH-ELOHIM. Nevertheless, Mashiach never availed himself to the title ‘elohim’ but merely called Himself ‘Son of ELOHIM’ (vs 36); and yet they maliciously (pretending to be ignorant) declare this latter title as blasphemy. Nevertheless, apart from His present ‘Lamb of ELOHIM’ calling, His future advent as that glorious Mashiach will certainly manifest His Elohim (Mighty One) status. YAHshua is the only ‘Elohim’ Who is seated on the right hand of YHWH, hence above all other ‘elohim’; yet, He is not to be confounded with YHWH’s singular ‘ELOHIM of elohim’ status; WHO alone is the one and only EL ELYON (Most High ELOHIM). Ref Gen 14:22; Ps 47:2; Mk 5:7; etc.”.
Thanks for sharing Gim.
Your comment is very helpful.
I just downloaded the Kindle version of the “Book of The Covenant”.
By the way, did you receive my last message about possibly doing a guest post about Yeshua’s relationship to the Almighty?
Would love to have your thoughts nicely articulated in one article and shared with the world.
Please let me know if you would be open to doing this.
Best post Rich.
Just touched on some of this last Sabbath while teaching: We are not called to doctrinal unity! We are called to a unity of purpose and behavior, characterized by loving actions, not lockstep agreement.
Ephesians 4:1-7 describes the peaceful unity we should maintain, and uses these words: Humble, gently, patient, longsuffering, loving, eager. No mention of doctrine at all – Hmmm!
Of course there are some BASICS we agree on, but our shared identity in HaShem and Messiah is our bond.
“Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you. Only let us hold true to what we have attained.” (Philippians 3:15-16)
BTW, on the ONE “capital-G God” ruling over all the other “little-g gods”, you might enjoy Paul Sumner’s work on the divine council. He has visited your site BTW. His work is at
and the divine council info is at
Thank you again for reminding us we don’t have to beat each other up over important doctrinal disagreements
Hey Eric,
Great point about unity of purpose & behavior versus doctrinal unity (which I don’t even really think exists).
And thanks for sharing Paul Sumner’s site.
Will definitely check it out.
Shabbat Shalom to you!