Alrighty, so using our Sheep Pen Method, let’s take a look at the mother of all inviolable doctrines in the Christian world:
The so-called deity of Yeshua.
“The Word became flesh and
made his dwelling among us.
We have seen his glory,
the glory of the one and only Son,
who came from the Father,
full of grace and truth.”
-John 1:14
“I and the Father are one.”
-John 10:30
“In Messiah the fullness of deity
resides in bodily form.”
-Colossians 2:9
““You heard me say, ‘I am going away
and I am coming back to you.’
If you loved me,
you would be glad that
I am going to the Father,
for the Father is greater than I.”
-John 14:28
“For there is one God
and one Mediator
between God and men,
the man Messiah Yeshua,
who gave Himself
a ransom for all,
to be testified in due time,
for which I was appointed
a preacher and an apostle—
I am speaking the truth
in Christ and not lying—
a teacher of the Gentiles
in faith and truth.”
-1 Timothy 2:5-7
“But we do see Yeshua-
who indeed was made for a
little while lower than the angels-
now crowned with glory and honor
because he suffered death,
so that by God’s grace
he might taste death
for all humanity.”
-Hebrews 2:9
Okay, so what have we got here?
We’re told Yeshua was a normal human being….
Yet he was also the son of God…
And keep in mind I said the “son of God”, NOT “God the son” which is a concept you’ll find nowhere in the Bible, Old or New Testaments.
Next we’re told Yeshua was equal with the Father…
Yet that the Father was greater than him and there was even a time when he was made lower than the angels.
So again, even though we may not completely understand how all of these aspects of Yeshua harmonize with each other, they are ALL true.
We shouldn’t try to push one aspect of Yeshua as superior or more important than another.
And we should keep in mind that while verses can COMPLEMENT each other, they can never CONTRADICT each other.
For example, trinitarians will argue that Yeshua is God because he shares the attributes of God and only does things that God can do…
Such as accept worship as God and forgive the sins of the others which is something only God can do…or so their argument goes.
However, as I was saying yesterday, if we have a Scripture that says God is NOT a man…
And then we come across a Scripture that says God became a man…
We can’t accept that BOTH are true at the same time…because we’d have a logical contradiction.
We must search for another interpretation that reconciles both viewpoints.
So is their an answer to the trinitarian who says Yeshua is God because he accepted worship as God and even forgave the sins of others?
I believe there is.
How about this answer?
Yeshua was worshipped and was able to forgive sins because His Father in heaven gave him that authority…NOT because he was literally God Himself.
Doesn’t that make a lot more sense than this 100% God and 100% man idea…which again is a logical contradiction?
Let me break it down nice and simple for you.
The New Testament says…
“Yeshua accepted worship as God”
In response, the modern systematic theologian says…
“See man, that proves Yeshua is God. He’s literally God man!”
I say…
“No, he accepted worship as God’s representative because God gave him that authority“.
The New Testament says…
“Yeshua forgave sins”
Again, the modern systematic theologian says…
“See man, that proves Yeshua is God. He’s literally God man!”
I say…
“No, he was able to forgive sins because His Father in heaven gave him that authority“.
The New Testament says…
“Yeshua performed miracles and even raised the dead”
Again, the modern systematic theologian with a goofy grin on his face says…
“See man, that proves Yeshua is God. He’s literally God man!”
And again, I retort by saying…
“No, he was able to perform miracles and even raise people from the dead because His Father in heaven gave him the power to do that stuff“. In fact, Yeshua even said ‘Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these’. What?! So does that mean I’m God too if I perform miracles?! Come on man!”
I could go on and on but I think you get my point.
And I’m well aware I haven’t presented an airtight case here…
But since I’m using the Sheep Pen method of interpreting Scripture, I don’t have to.
In addition, I’ve got cold hard logic on my side.
At the end of the day, why do you think the Trinitarian has to chalk up his theology to being a mystery that we simply have to accept by faith?
Because it’s the only way he can respond to what his heart, soul and mind knows is a logical contradiction.
It’s only the modern Systematic Theologian who erects divisive walls in his mind and binds himself by his own dogma.
My point is to play the “my verse is better than your verse” game is futile.
Because according to the Sheep Pen method of interpreting Scripture, ALL verses stand on equal ground.
As many verses as you can pull out of your hat substantiating that Yeshua is God, I can pull out just as many showing otherwise homie.
In fact, that’s what I’m gonna do right now in closing this article.
Check out the New Testament verses below that show who Yeshua got his authority from.
“Then Yeshua came to them and said,
‘All authority in heaven and
on earth has been given to me.'”
-Matthew 28:18
Can you see that Yeshua
authority? And that he
was given that authority
by a being SEPARATE
than himself?
“Yeshua said to them,
‘My Father is always at his work
to this very day, and I,
too, am working.’
For this reason the Jews tried all
the harder to kill him;
not only was he breaking the Sabbath,
but he was even calling God his own Father,
making himself equal with God.”
-Matthew 28:18-19
Notice Yeshua is patterning his
work after his Father. A SEPARATE
BEING from him. Also, I know
trinitarians will probably get all
excited about that part that says
Yeshua made himself equal with God.
Again, that’s because he was given
that authority from God.
“Now some teachers of the law
were sitting there, thinking to themselves,
‘Why does this fellow talk like that?
He’s blaspheming!
Who can forgive sins but God alone?‘
Immediately Jesus knew in his spirit
that this was what they were thinking
in their hearts, and he said to them,
‘Why are you thinking these things?
Which is easier: to say to this paralyzed man,
‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say,
‘Get up, take your mat and walk’?
But I want you to know that the
Son of Man has authority on
earth to forgive sins.”
-Mark 2:6-10
Heck, you’ve got the
word “authority” right there
in the text man! Yeshua’s
saying he can forgive sins
because His Father in heaven
gave him that authority.
“Therefore God exalted him
to the highest place
and gave him the name
that is above every name,”
-Philippians 2:9
Who exalted who?
Did God exalt Himself?
Did He give Himself the
name that is above
every name? Be honest
now Mr. Trinitarian.
I think we both know what
the plain and honest reading
of the text says. It was God
than Yeshua who exalted and
gave His son the name that is
above every name. Ya feel me?
Everything you say here is more than enough to show Yeshua was a man and not God, and that he is still not God. We can prove that easy enough-even after he was resurrected, Stephen saw him sitting at the right hand of God.
Maybe God was besides himself with anger? I don’t think so.
The question of whether or not Yeshua is God is, quite frankly, irrelevant when it comes to salvation because we are not saved by believing Yeshua is God- we are saved by believing Yeshua is the Messiah God sent! This whole Trinity vs Unity thing is a tool the Devil created and uses to separate those in the body of Messiah, as well as a means to keep Jews from accepting Yeshua.
When I was an Executive Officer of a company of men in the Marine Corps, when the Company Commander was not present and things had to be signed, I signed them and underneath my signiture I wrote “By Dir”, which means “By direction of the commanding officer.”
In other words, when the Boss wasn’t there, I was the Boss, with all the power and authority he had.
But I wasn’t the Boss.
And that is what Yeshua is- he is the universe’s XO, with God as the CO.
Lord JESUS/YESHUA is Isaiah 9:6-7 For, A Child, hath been born to us, A Son, hath been given to us, And the dominion is upon his shoulder,And his Name hath been called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty GOD, Father of Futurity, Prince of Prosperity.
Of the increase of dominion, and of prosperity, There shall be no endUpon the throne of David and Upon his kingdom, By establishing it and By sustaining it, With justice and With righteousness,From henceforth, Even unto times age-abiding: The jealousy of Yahweh of hosts, will perform this!
I see you’re playing the “My verse is better than your verse” game.
I find it convincing that god is one and that yeshau was him by the innate confirmation of his power being divine and evidence of the same god to that of the first and all manifestations of scripture but youve got to get your head around time and omnipresence
Because all the theology that indicates oneness points to a shepard toward padture where there is trust and that cant be defiled .
If we look at historical account from what pharoah wrote about the abiru he summed them up as the seed of uru
So who is uru = shepard , stone which ties in with the god of abraham and Melchizedek king of righteousness baring in mind to warn people of a wrong you had to make them understand the difference between moral virtue and contrary vice otherwise you would be just talking into the air waiting for vainglory rather when you opened your mouth about god you meant to make them understand the severity of offences
So uru was a shepard and a stone and Melchizedek was situated in shalim = the salvation in the west , the setting sun or twilight , the salvation of the latter glory , all figurative descriptions to build up an understanding of the possibilities of righteousnesss and hope to people , and is where we get the etymology for the name jerusalem from uru shalim
So if this was preached before egypt we wind forward and we see the land has fallen away and the sea peoples are on route on mass to claim and culturise the land of Canaan with thier evil minoan child sacrifice and phariah records this and israel is stirred and it too is going back but not without god making them know that what they do to the people of canaan and the commandments they preach tomthem are a forewarning that it is not murder but that no land should live under terror and it is a given sanity to trust your neighbour
So moses hears the name that is given to be known to all generations iam that iam , but what if iam is an instance of time and that of to estates then the asher could be a transit of will from one to the other.
Then could asher be the inner name of yhvh the personal name given for hope to each man severally
For if we swap out the name with the action that hod desires us to know him by we have sentiment , if we take that sentiment in vain it is not before him but for vainglory that is the third commandment but if we look at the second commandment not to make a graven image this describes their definition of sin = to mis the mark if the mark is righteousness and hope , longing and sentiment for where your heart is there is also your treasure waiting ?
The fourth commandment makes me feel that first four commandments are actually an acronym of what yeshua told us to teach “ repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand “ for the sabbath is our closest view at the resting place of salvation .if the first four commandments are spiritual ending in creation the first of the six start with your creation and innate honour mother and father .to-me this is a spectrum of sanity and offence the worst being the furthest from a single mind toward accountability and god the last being the worst offence the working of iniquity as you approach from the ninth commandment to not gather false numbers by llying about your neighbour but by singularly fixating over them with covetousness , and this is the iniquity that god speaks of that he would visit to the third and fourth generations of them that hate him . This description of iniquity shows us that it is not a transgression like sin but a polar opposite of god and sentiment that could be misplaced toward him . For solomon gives us a description of iniquity and its toing and froing were he writes a man removes his foot from his neighbours house before he is wary of him and so hates him , it is nought it is nought says the buyer but when he goes his way he spreads it abroad and the foot of him about to slip is as a lamp despised in the mind of him who is at ease .
Isaiah also when he writes see that you are not holier than thou he means this in the universal tense , no one is above the law but he means humbleness , be not humbler than thou because that by its definition is finite and falls short of gods holiness which is infinite and suggests you are coveting your neighbours sins for a testimony of them .
So if we say the word of god is the center stem on the menorah we could say the menorah is the god head preached and that the vision ezekiel saw of the vision of god and his glory that the angel with four faces to his head is the god head of every man and that him offending the word of god enough has his chance of sentiment removed from communion with god and his word is voided and the righteousness of the lion becomes self righteousness , the sowing of peace of the ox becomes plowing of surety
The salvation of memory of the eagle is forgotten and the three reproaches to that the messiah had conquered in you leave the mark of the beast and there reproaches 666
The blue print of the tabernacle confirms this to be the symbol of judah in the east approaches the tabernacle toward the west the lions face is on the right side , why because it suggests the direction of righteousness , the symbol of mannesah is the ox he encamped to the west of the tabernacle and the oxs face emerges on the left side of the angel with four faces . This is to guide man to the understanding that we are brought singularly to the seat of god and the articles in the footstool below him are an everlasting testimony against the workers of iniquity .
There is a law given by god that man should not rejoice over his enemies
But we see that he does that over the fall of the whore of babylon that is him rendering their just deserts to them yes . So to he drives diviners mad because they too have lived of driving people mad
Consider this satan took yhvh to a high point of the temple and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of men and said all this will i give tou if you worship me but the yhvh said but you will worship the spirit of god alone
This could only have been so if if satan would have figuratively placed himself blotting out the light of god in that he was intercepting the sentiment that everyman shared with his secret prayer to entrap them in their sins but yeshua told us how to pray secretly not as the vainglorious hypocrites .
So we are still in the same original theology of abraham moving along a singular mind for man toward a pasture of tristwothy people or angels once he found our hearts wrre pure concerning iniquity