Recall back in the Book of Judges, we witnessed the Israelites repeatedly go through the cycle of living in harmony with God, then falling into apostasy, then being oppressed, then repenting and then finally being delivered…
Until the cycle started up all over again.
Well, the Israelites during Samuel’s time were also going through the same cycle.
Here in Chapter 7, they happened to be in the repentance phase of that cycle.
They had finally determined with their emotions and their minds to get rid of the idolatry in their lives and serve only the Lord.
Samuel seized on this as an opportune moment and ordered them to gather at a place called MIZPAH which means “watchtower”.
It was there the people performed some kind of symbolic ceremony and publicly confessed their sins before the Lord.
This event also marked Samuel’s beginning as a SHOFET or Judge of Israel.
However, as I pointed out before, Samuel served as far more than a Judge.
Check out this verse:
“Then Samuel said,
‘Assemble all Israel at Mizpah,
and I will intercede with
the Lord for you.'”
-1 Samuel 7:5
“To intercede” means Samuel would “pray” for the people.
So here we see Samuel also acting as sort of a High Priest or Mediator…
Yet officially he was neither…
Officially, he was a prophet.
So what gives?
Well, remember a prophet was considered God’s earthly instrument to bring about His Will.
They weren’t restricted to just pronouncing God’s oracles…
They held many different roles.
However, none of them performed the broad range of duties that Samuel did.
That’s why Bible scholars struggle to categorize Samuel…
Because as I said, he was so much more than a judge…
Plus he served the ENTIRE nation of Israel…
This was different than your typical Judge who operated in only one region or on behalf of just one tribe.
Now there’s an interesting takeaway I’m getting from all this.
Before we came to the Lord, our identity and how we thought of ourself was very limited.
In our minds, we were a sinner, an adulterer, a thief, a tax collector or whatever.
Then, after we were born again, we were supposed to throw away our old self and became a new creation in Messiah.
However, sometimes we have difficulty leaving behind our sinful past and fully embracing our new identity…
Just like how the Israelites struggled when they left Egypt.
They may have physically left Egypt…
But there was still a lot of Egypt left inside of them…
Now here’s the thing…
Even if we do finally succeed in embracing our new identity after being born again…
We may still limit ourselves and our potential as a child of the Most Holy…
We may say…
“I’m not called to be a healer…
Or a preacher…
Or a Teacher”
When the reality is, we may be called to perform ALL of those roles and so much more in God’s Kingdom…
Just as Samuel was called to perform many roles.
So what’s the lesson here?
It is this:
As a newborn son or daughter of the Almighty, you can go farther…
And achieve more than you ever could have dreamed possible…
And you don’t have to go through the cycle of repeatedly falling into sin, repenting and being delivered over and over and over again.
You can break that vicious cycle.
So have faith and do as Yeshua instructed when he said…
“Very truly I tell you,
whoever believes in me
will do the works
I have been doing,
and they will do even
greater things than these,
because I am going
to the Father.”
-John 14:12
“So from now on,
we do not look at
anyone from a worldly
viewpoint. Even if we
once regarded the
Messiah from a worldly
viewpoint, we do so
no longer. Therefore,
if anyone is united
with the Messiah,
he is a new creation
— the old has passed;
look, what has come
is fresh and new!”
-2 Corinthians 5:16-17
Thank you Veronica.
Be blessed!
This Pentecost, I was asked to share my own experience of receiving the Holy Spirit, and in preparing it realised that the Jubilee of that event occurs later this year (it will be Springtime then, we’re just about to start Winter now)
In summing it up, I said :
“Jesus made it possible.
The Holy Spirit made it personal.
And it was my Father Himself who picked me up and put his arms around
me and said to my being “you are my child and I love you””
And that’s how the Holy Spirit turned my life right side up, and continues
to do so 50 years on.”
So yes, I continue to embrace my new identity.
But He embraced me first. . .
Great testimony! Thanks for sharing. Be blessed!