Following on the heel’s of yesterday’s discussion, here’s another HUGE misconception the Christian world harbors concerning idolatry.
They view pagans or the unbelieving world as idolaters.
That’s a mistake.
Because you can only be an idolater unless your were once a follower of the God of Israel.
See what I mean?
You can’t apostatize from something you weren’t already a party of.
Just like you can’t be fired unless you were already first employed.
That’s why the Bible does not categorize the unbelieving world as idolaters…
According to Scripture, the Canaanites were NOT idolaters.
An idolater is someone who claims to follow God but let’s the things of the world infiltrate his or faith and lifestyle.
And sorry to say, institutional Christianity seems to fit this definition to a tee.
They claim to follow the God of Israel…
They claim adherence to His Word…
They claim to honor His Messiah…
Yet, they preach and teach that God’s holy law has been done away with…
They have abandoned His feasts and replaced them with pagan holidays like Christmas and Easter…
And via their trinitarian theology, they’ve turned his son into a deity…
If you’ve ever wondered why the orthodox Jewish world views Christianity as an idolatrous religion, there’s your reason.
The institutional Church has taken the Hebrew Bible, labeled it the “Old” Testament, and then through their doctrines have so twisted and perverted God’s Torah that it doesn’t even resemble anything Moses originally taught.
Anyways, just get this one basic point.
You CANNOT commit idolatry unless you were once set apart for the Lord in the first place.
I’m telling you this so you know what the true Biblical perspective of idolatry is.
So forget about what your typical church has to say on the matter.
Are you going to listen to them or the Word?
It’s important to understand why the God accused the Israelites in 1 Samuel as committing adultery.
It was NOT because they had renounced God in exchange for something else.
Ya feel me?
It was because they had engaged in what the Torah calls SHA’ATNEZ (שַׁעַטְנֵז) or illicit mixing.
Whenever you mix something impure with something pure, you get what the Scripture calls TEVEL (תֶּבֶל) or confusion…
Which is exactly what the Israelites got when they started incorporating pagan practices into their worship of God.
So remember that.
Idolatry is the SHA’ATNEZ (illicit mixing) that leads to TEVEL (confusion).
It is the very thing the Torah warns against!
Unfortunately, your average Christian church goer would have no idea about this because they have been taught the Law is dead.
I mean when you throw into the trash that very portion of Scripture that defines what idolatry is, of course you’ll have no idea what it means.
Isn’t it amazing?!
The Christian Church, by incorporating non-scriptural pagan-based observances and symbols into their worship and lifestyles…
They are doing the VERY SAME THING Samuel ordered Israel to stop doing!
so what’s with your hexagram or star of Remphan which poses as the Israeli flag. why dont you get rid of it. Shalom. Brother.
Unable to control the ad serving.
Be blessed.