Let’s pause for a moment to get our bearings.
So a major war is about to erupt between the Philistines and Israel.
The Philistines wanted to be the chief power in the land of Canaan and were planning to force Saul to accept vassal status or be destroyed.
They weren’t necessarily interested in empire-building.
They just wanted to be the dominant power in the region.
Achish, the Philistine King of Gath had asked David to fight alongside him against his own Hebrew brothers.
David’s clever response proved he was a skilled communicator because his answer could be interpreted in any way the listener desired.
That’s exactly what Achish did.
David’s reply was music to his ears.
He took it to mean that David had just pledged loyalty to him.
He was so pleased he appointed David to be his lifetime bodyguard on the spot.
Now don’t be thinking this was some subservient role.
This appointment made David an official member of Achish’s inner circle of advisors.
It was similar to the role he had when he was a member of King Saul’s royal court.
On the other side of the fence, King Saul had fallen into a full-blown panic when he saw the Philistine forces arrayed against him.
An unshakeable darkness had overtaken him.
This was no ordinary darkness.
This was the kind of darkness God brought upon the Egyptians during the Exodus.
“And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which may be felt. And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days.” Exodus 10:21-22
The Hebrew word for “darkness” in the Exodus passage is CHOSHEK.
Although this word isn’t used here to describe Saul’s state, no doubt that’s what he was feeling.
CHOSHEK is what results when God’s enlightenment or presence has been withdrawn.
What Saul was experiencing was the absence of God and he knew it.
In those days war had a strong spiritual element to them.
It was believed the wars humans fought here on Earth were merely a reflection of the battles happening between gods in the heavens.
That’s why military leaders sought the assistance of their nation’s gods to gain wisdom and strength.
They also wanted to know the outcome before the first arrow was ever shot.
So the Hebrew mindset wasn’t immune to this way of thinking.
That’s why Saul had tried desperately to get God to speak to Him.
But the Lord wouldn’t answer.
Neither through dreams or visions…
And neither through the Urim and Thummim stones in the hands of the High Priest.
God’s silence meant Saul was all alone and he was terrified because of it.
So here’s the takeaway I’m getting for today.
I mentioned that in ancient times, war had a very spiritual element to it.
But here’s the thing.
To this very day, this hasn’t changed.
Look at the conflict in the Middle East between Iran, Hamas, and Israel.
This is nothing less than the God of Islam waging war against the God of and the people of Israel.
My dad, who is an atheist, used to say the reason he rejects religion and belief in God is because of all the wars that have been fought in the names of the various gods of the nations.
He was implying that since God doesn’t exist, it’s pure stupidity to go to war for one’s religious beliefs.
Well, his observation that many wars have been fought in the name of religion is correct.
But where he is dead wrong is assuming God doesn’t exist.
God does exist.
Specifically, the God of Israel does exist.
As a matter of fact, He is the ONLY God in existence.
He is also the author of history as we know it.
And He has declared the Land of Canaan as an eternal inheritance to His People Israel.
This divine declaration is the reason why there is conflict in the Middle East today.
This declaration is also why a two-state solution is an abomination in God’s eyes.
Finally, this declaration is why the Messiah will soon return to rescue Israel from the gentile nations who come against God’s chosen people.
Ya feel me?
Amen right back to you William. Be blessed!