Although this may seem like a stretch, I see parallels between Trump’s rise to the presidency and David’s ascent to Israel’s throne.
Here are a few that come to mind:
Both David and Trump were considered unlikely leaders by many.
David was a young shepherd body, while Trump was a businessman with no prior political experience.
Their eventual ascensions surprised the establishment and the public.
Both men garnered fervent support from a loyal base.
David had his mighty men and the people of Judah, while Trump cultivated a passionate following among a significant portion of the American electorate.
Both men defeated established opponents.
David defeated Goliath, an established and feared warrior, symbolizing his triumph over seemingly insurmountable odds.
Trump, in turn, defeated established politicians in the Republican primaries and then Hillary Clinton in the general election, defying expectations.
Both men demonstrated charismatic leadership.
Both David and Trump are known for their charismatic and polarizing leadership styles.
They inspire strong emotions in their followers and detractors alike, creating a distinct and memorable public persona.
Both were known for their strategic victories.
David was known for his military prowess and strategic acumen, leading Israel to numerous victories.
Trump, while not a military leader, emphasized “winning” in his rhetoric and sought to project strength and decisiveness in his policies and actions, particularly in economic and international arenas.
Both men were targets of assassination attempts.
For David, King Saul repeatedly sought to kill him due to jealousy and perceived threats to his throne.
Similarly, during a rally in Pennsylvania, a shooter fired at Trump from the rooftop of a building, injuring him and causing chaos among the attendees.
Both men were flawed yet chosen.
David had personal failings, the most famous one was his affair with Bathsheba.
We all know Trump has been involved in various controversies and scandals.
One commonality between the two is they both loved beautiful women…whether married or not.
Now some may take issue that I’m saying Trump was also chosen by God.
Look homie, if God is sovereign, and there are no coincidences in His universe, then yes indeed, Trump was chosen.
Case closed.
So that’s seven parallels I find in common between these two men.
However, it’s the last one I find particularly inspiring…
Despite these men’s failures and flaws, God continued to use them.
This should give all of us who love God the greatest hope.
No matter how miserable our failures…
If we remain loyal to Him…
He will still claim us as His own.
I think a lot of us because of shame and guilt think we can no longer be of use to the Kingdom.
We prematurely disqualify ourselves.
We shut ourselves off from God’s love thinking we are broken and useless.
I’m here to tell you that’s not the case.
God still can and will use you for His Kingdom if you will just stick with Him.
Remember, it’s not up to you and your flesh…
It’s up to Him and His eternal power.
So just stick with Him.
Ya feel me here?
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
-Ephesians 6:12
I have, for eyars, valued our friendship and mutual respect, and this is the first time I can recall every having to say you are way off the mark, and really- REALLY- pushing the envelope on this one.
David and Trump have nothing in common: David was chosen by God and anointed by God’s prophet, Trump bought his way into the race (as have all politicians for the last century).
David was never a surprise to anyone- the Bible is rife with stories of how David was honored and respected by thousands (“Shaul has killed his thousands, David his tens of thousands!”- remember? (1 Samuel 18:7)- Trump was mainly known in business circles, and has a big building in NYC named after him.
David was the commander in the army and had many military victories to secure his reputation, Trump never served in a military position, but he did have a TV show where he demonstrated his egocentricity.
There is nothing about David and Trump that can be said to be similar, unless we stretch events to their breaking point.
And as for the recent postings I see about how Trump’s right ear is bloody and the priest was anointed with blood on his right ear…OY! Now we are elevating Trump to a Cohen!
Get real, people!
I think Trump is the best choice for President, but he is an egocentric man who embarrassed himself so often with his nasty posts that he lost the election in 2020. I believe if he had just shut his mouth and kept protecting America (as he was doing, which Biden reversed completely in just his first 100 days), he would have won his second term.
No, Rich, King David was a man after God’s own heart, who had nothing but love for God in his heart, and Trump has no room in his heart for anyone but Trump.
They are nothing alike.
Appreciate your comment.
Of course, I can’t expect us to agree on everything.
We’ll have to agree to disagree on this one.
You said they are nothing alike.
But I just gave you 7 ways in this article how they are alike.
Yeah, I do agree the post making Trump out to be some kind of priest was super ridiculous.
My main point is that both men despite their flaws were used by God.