“In the morning, when he was sober and his wife told him what had happened, he had a stroke and became as motionless as a stone. Some ten days later Adonai struck Naval, and he died.”-1 Samuel 25:37-38
Notice that God struck Naval ten days later.
Like the number 7, the number 10 also holds special significance in the Scriptures.
Ten is the number of fullness…meaning that all has been fulfilled to its complete capacity.
It’s the number of completeness.
It represents the Lord’s perfect order as opposed to satanic chaos.
In other words, God striking Naval dead ten days later was a sign of His PERFECT justice being done.
This meant all that had to be done was completely finished and there was no more left to be done in the matter.
What are some other divine manifestations of 10 in the Scriptures?
Well, for starters, recall that ten was the same number of men who delivered David’s message to Naval.
Or how about the tithe?
Giving a tenth back of our wealth to the Lord represents the perfect measure that should be returned to Him.
In Kaballah (Jewish mysticism), there is this idea of ten dimensions of existence.
And of course, earlier I talked about the MINYAN.
In Judaism, 10 is the minimum number of males required for group worship purposes.
Ironically, the Scriptural origin of the MINYAN comes from a negative event.
In the book of Numbers, Moses sent spies to explore the land of Canaan, and ten of them came back saying it couldn’t be conquered.
God was very disappointed with their lack of faith in Him.
He spoke to Moses and Aaron, asking, “How long will this evil ‘assembly’ make Israel complain against Me?”
From this, we understand a God-ordained “assembly” to be ten men.
So whenever you come across the number 10 in the Bible, perk up and pay special attention.
Just like you should perk up and pay special attention when you come across the number 7 (a number which HaShem sends my way often by the way).
Be blessed and see you next time.
So, nu! God was on the metric system before anyone else. 🙂