“Then David too got up and went outside the cave, where he called after Sha’ul, ‘My lord the king!’ When Sha’ul looked behind him, David bowed with his face to the ground and prostrated himself.”-1 Samuel 24:9
After taking care of his bathroom business, Saul leaves the cave with the hem of his garment now shorter than when he went in.
Little did he know, David was following right behind him.
Once the two got outside, David bowed down to Saul and then said:
“Why do you listen to
people who say,
‘David is out to harm you?’
Okay, let’s stop here for a second.
That statement isn’t exactly true.
Saul’s council never told Saul David wanted to kill him.
Quite the opposite actually.
Saul’s court, his soldiers, his family, and even the priesthood were baffled as all hell that Saul even saw David as an enemy in the first place.
If there was anyone who had demonstrated complete loyalty to the king, it was David.
I’m not sure if David was twisting the truth here…
Or he honestly thought Saul’s council had misled the gullible Saul with a big lie.
Anyway, onward.
David showed King Saul the piece of cloth he cut from his royal robe to prove he could have killed Saul but chose not to.
David then tells Saul…
“Here, today you have seen with your own eyes that Adonai put you in my power there in the cave. Some of my men said I should kill you, but I spared you; I said, ‘I won’t raise my hand against my lord, because he is Adonai’s anointed.’”
David is making a good point.
He’s telling Saul that he even went against the best wishes of his men to maintain the sanctity of Israel’s throne.
The takeaway here is huge.
This scene illustrates three clear differences between the anti-Christ and God’s chosen Messiah.
Difference 1:
Saul had no qualms about taking his men’s advice, but David decided the opposite.
Difference 2:
Saul had no problem with murdering at the drop of a hat, but David despised the idea.
Difference 3:
Saul selfishly viewed the throne of Israel as his plaything to use and abuse as he pleased.
David, however, viewed the throne as sacred and its occupant as chosen by God.
So take note of these differences.
Because they will help you recognize that future man of lawlessness when he makes his grand appearance on the world stage.
Thank you
You’re very welcome Veronica.
Be blessed!