The last time we met I talked about how the following prophecy was fulfilled:
“Therefore Adonai the God of Israel says,
‘I did indeed say that your family
and your father’s family would
walk in my presence forever.’
But now Adonai says, ‘
Forget it! I respect those who respect me,
but those who despise me
will meet with contempt.
The day is coming when I will
break your strength
and the strength of your father’s family
so that no one in your family will live to old age.
At a time when Israel is prospering,
you will see a rival in my Dwelling;
and never will anyone in your family live to old age.
Still, I won’t cut off every one of your men from my altar;
because that would make your eyes grow dim,
and you would waste away.
Nevertheless, all your descendants will die young.”
-1 Samuel 2:30-33
God is speaking to Eli and letting him know that not one member of his family will live to see old age.
That prophecy was fulfilled when Saul ordered the slaughter of Achimelech and his entire household of priests.
However, there was another major prophecy fulfilled when this event occurred.
It’s contained in verse 32:
“At a time when Israel is prospering,
you will see a rival in my Dwelling;
and never will anyone in
your family live to old age.”
So we’re told Eli’s family had a rival.
Who was this rival?
It was none other than the family of Zadok.
Eli and his offspring were from the line of Ithamar.
Ithamar was one of Aaron’s sons but it was NOT the legitimate High Priestly line.
It was only the descendants of Eleazar who were supposed to be the High Priests.
So which line did Zadok come from?
He came from the legitimate line of Eleazar…
Which means if God was gonna set things straight…
He’d have to dispose of Eli and his family in due time.
Well, we saw that He did just that when Saul ordered the slaughter of the priesthood.
However, recall one member of Eli’s family named Avyatar escaped.
He became the High Priest despite being from the illegitimate line of Ithamar.
So for a while, there were two rival High Priests in existence as follows:
Avyatar from the illegitimate line of Ithamar and…
Zadok from the legitimate line Eleazar.
David allowed these two competing High Priests to serve at the same time…
But when David’s son Solomon assumed the throne, the situation changed.
When Solomon came to power, he booted out Avyatar.
Once that happened, the way things should have been per the Torah were restored.
Now, I dunno about you but my mind is blown away here.
God allowed a terrible massacre to be carried out by a partnership between an Israelite and a gentile that resulted in the elimination of Israel’s priesthood.
This was a terrible evil that Saul committed using his gentile dog the Edomite Do’eg (pun intended).
But here’s the thing.
It was an illegitimate priesthood because it came from the illegitimate line of Ithamar.
Ya feeling me here homies?
There are a couple of amazing takeaways to be extracted from today’s article.
First, there is such a thing as righteous racism.
Bloodlines freakin’ matter man…
Especially when it comes to the Levites and God’s holy priesthood.
That’s the first takeaway.
The second takeaway…
Well heck, in terms of the second takeaway, I can do no better than to quote the Messiah Himself…
“Don’t think that I have come
to abolish the Torah or the Prophets.
I have come not to abolish but to complete.
Yes indeed! I tell you that until heaven
and earth pass away, not so much as a
yud or a stroke will pass from the Torah
— not until everything that must
happen has happened.”
-Matthew 5:17-18
See, here’s the thing…
Just because God allows some religious institutions that claim to be doing His Will to exist does NOT mean they’re legit or will stand forever.
If they’re not aligned with the Torah, they eventually have to go.
They could be a tool in God’s hands to achieve His agenda before He discards it.
I’d say the gentile Christian church fits this description to a tee.
Come to think of it, isn’t that exactly what the Apostle Paul said in Romans Chapter 11?
Didn’t he say he’s using the gentile church to provoke Israel to jealousy?
And then after the full amount of Gentiles has entered in, it’s goodbye to the gentile church, and time for all Israel to be saved.
Honestly, I can’t see how God is going to allow a lawless institution like the gentile church to stand forever.
Think about it.
He allowed the very priesthood of Israel to represent Him for a time but then He eliminated it.
Do you think God is going to allow an institution that has a history of anti-Semitism and preaches that God’s Holy Torah has been done away with to stand forever?
“For, brothers, I want you to
understand this truth which
God formerly concealed
but has now revealed,
so that you won’t imagine you
know more than you actually do.
It is that stoniness, to a degree,
has come upon Isra’el,
until the Gentile world
enters in its fullness;
and that it is in this way
that all Israel will be saved.
As the Tanakh says,
Out of Tziyon will come
the Redeemer; he will turn away
ungodliness from Ya‘akov
and this will be my covenant
with them, . . .
when I take away their sins.”
-Romans 11:25-27
P.S. If you wanna check out another scorching post on this topic, click HERE to read an article titled “Three Reasons Why The God Of Israel May End Christianity”.
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