I’ve said this before but it bears repeating.
King Saul is the pattern for the great and terrible Anti-Christ who I believe will soon appear on the world stage.
Understand clearly what I’m saying here.
I’m not just saying Saul was a poor choice for a king…
Nor am I saying he represents a failed king.
I’m saying he IS the prototype and shadow of the coming “anti-King”.
Saul possessed all the attributes that worldly humans desire and that God despises in a political leader.
Let’s take a look at some of these anti-Christ characteristics that were displayed in Saul.
First, Saul was among the most good-looking of men in all of Israel.
We’re told he was much taller than everyone else and was strong and charismatic.
Plus he had a talent for getting his way with people.
Second, Saul seemed like a normal king when he wasn’t being challenged.
When I say “normal”, I mean normal in the sense he wasn’t any different than the self-serving gentile kings of that era.
His behavior was typical of the leaders of the pagan nations surrounding Israel.
But Saul’s true demonic character emerged like the proverbial bat out of hell when David showed up.
And this is how the coming Anti-Christ will respond to God’s Messiah when he appears to challenge him.
The Anti-Christ will become famous and admired worldwide…
And he will fool many, including most of the gentile institutional church (which shouldn’t come as a surprise given their lawlessness and ignorance due to their lack of Torah knowledge)…
But when the followers of Yeshua, and when Yeshua Himself shows up…
Buckle up, baby!
Because all hell is gonna break loose on planet Earth the likes of which the world has never seen before.
What we’re witnessing here in Chapter Two of 1st Samuel is just a microcosm of what’s going to happen on a global scale.
King Saul through his gentile servant is about to exterminate the Priesthood of Israel.
Once that happens, the people of Israel will no longer have access to the Word of God…
Nor will they have access to the necessary ritual observances that cleanse them of their sins.
There is a prophetic picture being painted here and I hope you catch it.
you say king saul was a poor choice as king but GOD picked him so if GOD picked him is it still a poor choice really ???
I was thinking the same thing, but then I remembered how God tests us, even testing Abraham, so maybe God chose Saul because of his good attributes, but also was testing him.
Sadly, this is one time when someone God chose failed the test, which is why (again, maybe) God told Samuel he was disappointed with Saul.
yes, very true, HE tested mr A by tellin him to sacrifice his son ISAAC.. that is /was a big test that abraham had..
Hi Tony,
Good question.
God picked him in response to the sinful desires of the people (mainly the northern tribes)…
That’s why things turned out to be a disaster.
And it will be worse than we can even imagine! We must be ready for our Lord’s Return … no matter how much it means that we may have to suffer!
Thank you for your writing.
Your faith seems strong Naomi.
Be blessed!