I think it’s hard for us to fathom a fallen ancient Israel with its broken priesthood, abandoned sanctuary, and multiple high priests competing against each other.
So let me give ya a modern-day illustration that will help you grasp just how pagan Hebrew society was during King Saul’s time.
Think of Europe today.
At one time this great continent was thoroughly Christian.
Take a look at this chart I pulled from The Guardian.
Isn’t this interesting?
It seems like the majority of young people in Europe could care less about God and religious beliefs.
The most religious country in Europe appears to be Poland with a whopping 83% of folks holding to some form of Christian belief.
I find that ironic given that it was one of the most anti-semitic nations during World War Two.
However, what’s even more ironic is that one of the most Philo-Semitic nations during World War Two is today one of the least religious.
I’m talking about the United Kingdom.
Seventy percent of the young population don’t profess any religious belief at all.
But let’s forget about the statistics for a sec and take a look at what has happened over the past century.
During Europe’s golden era of Christianity, magnificent churches and cathedrals were spread throughout the land.
But what has happened to them now?
They’re gone.
Former church buildings have been boarded up, turned into museums or restaurants, or been taken over by the Muslims.
This transformation didn’t take place overnight.
It took a long time.
The full effects weren’t realized until it was too late.
One day, the older generation woke up and when they started looking around, it struck them:
“Hey, where are all the churches?”
Tragically, this became the new normal.
The young generation has no idea of the spiritual void that has taken over the land.
Now why has this happened?
Well, I have a theory about this.
And when I say a “theory”, I mean exactly that.
So if you don’t agree with me, stay calm, cool, and collected homies.
Let’s start with a little discussion about the religion of Christianity.
It is a great religion…
And has brought tremendous good to the world.
I would say the greatness of America (when it was great) can be attributed to Christianity.
I would agree with Dr. Michael Brown’s statement that more than any other person in the history of mankind, it is Yeshua of Nazareth who has made the God of Israel known to the gentile nations.
I came to faith in the God of Israel because some kind soul preached the gospel to me…
And I’m sure the same holds for gentile believers all around the world.
But the religion is not without its faults.
First, it is a lawless religion.
It teaches the Torah has been done away with in direct contradiction to what Yeshua said in Matthew 5:18.
“Do not think that I have
come to abolish the
Law or the Prophets;
I have not come to abolish
them but to fulfill them.”
-Matthew 5:17
Second, I think the trinitarian version of Christianity dangerously tee-toes the line towards idolatry.
How have they done this?
By twisting the title “Son of God” into “God the Son” – which never once appears in the writings of Yeshua’s first disciples and emissaries.
Third, certain elements of Christianity have alienated God’s chosen people, the Jews themselves.
In his book, “On the Jews and Their Lies”, the reformer Martin Luther said Jewish houses should “be razed and destroyed,” and Jewish “prayer books and Talmudic writings, in which such idolatry, lies, cursing, and blasphemy are taught, [should] be taken from them.”
On top of that, he said “their rabbis [should] be forbidden to teach on pain of loss of life and limb.”
Man, this is so heartbreaking.
If you go against Israel, in my book, you are OUT, no questions asked, and no get-out jail-free card for you homie.
So to summarize, I believe it is because of the lawlessness, borderline idolatry, and anti-Semitism of Christianity that the following words of Paul are now being fulfilled.
“It is that stoniness,
to a degree, has come upon Israel,
until the Gentile world
enters in its fullness”
-Romans 11:25
In other words, because of the aforementioned three sins of Christianity, I believe God is ending that pagan Christmas and Easter-observing religion…
And in its place, restoring His true Torah-based Messianic faith among His people as evidenced by the growing number of Messianic Jews emerging all around the world and in Israel…
And as also evidenced by the flock of gentile believers departing from the lawless churches to embrace their true Hebrew roots and become one with their Jewish brothers and sisters in Messiah.
Now, if you think about it, it kinda makes sense, don’t you think?
How can Adonai let such a lawless, idolatrous, and anti-Semitic institution stand?
The answer is He can’t and He won’t.
That’s why He’s ending it.
When you have churches that perform gay marriages in Yeshua’s name…
Or preach that it’s cool to eat all manner of unclean food based on some aberrational interpretation of Peter’s animal sheet vision…
Or promote the idea that the Palestinians have a legitimate right to the land of Israel…
We’re gonna have problems homie.
Ya feel me?
There’s a reason why the rise of a non-Christian Europe has emerged to be replaced by Islam.
There’s a reason why a non-Christian America is also emerging.
There’s a reason why Japan, the country I’m living in now never embraced Christianity despite countless attempts from missionaries to convert the Japanese (missionaries who ironically came from Europe where Christianity is dying)...
Maybe it’s because the God of Israel cannot allow such a lawless and anti-Torah religion to represent Him to the nations.
Ya feel me?
Alrighty, so let me close by repeating what I said earlier.
I ain’t being dogmatic about what I just said.
It’s a theory I have about where things are headed.
It’s a theory I believe to be true.
But I could be completely wrong…
And if I am, I’ll be the first to admit it.
Would love to get your thoughts.
Hi Rich, I’ve been following you for years now and agree with 99.99% of what you teach. Something I would like for you to consider when talking about the trinity… Jesus is the Son of God, that we can agree. But if I humbly may have you to consider, where the Gospel of John says, in the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God… I think this is where the Trinity belief comes from, or at least the Son of God also being God the son. I admit, it’s a hard thing to explain, but I do believe that the Father Son and Holy Spirit are One just as water, ice and vapor are all forms H20. Your thoughts?
Oh my goodness I agree with you wholeheartedly! Praying that those Christians who claim they truly love Jesus will wake up from the slumber they are under quickly.
Amen Aime! So happy you resonated with this. Be blessed!
“The most religious country in Europe appears to be Poland with a whopping 83% of folks holding to some form of Christian belief.
I find that ironic given that it was one of the most anti-semitic nations during World War Two.”
???????? Do you really think Poland was one the most anti-semitic country during WWII??
Polish people were the biggest group rescueing Jews!
Keep in mind fact that Poland have the biggest count of Righteous Among the Nations, brother
Hey great comment.
Thanks for the correction.
But this article does not paint a flattering picture: