“Y’honatan said to David, ‘Go in peace; because we have sworn, both of us, in the name of Adonai, that Adonai will be between me and you, and between my descendants and yours, forever.'”-1 Samuel 20:42
There’s one important truth a lot of believers overlook – especially in the Christian camp.
It is that God exercises His love and saving power through His covenants.
Connected to this, another truth some folks have difficulty accepting is that God’s saving covenants have ONLY been made with Israel.
This is a non-negotiable folks.
Take a look at these verses from Jeremiah:
“’The day is coming,” says the LORD,
‘when I will make a new covenant
with the people of Israel and Judah.
This covenant will not be like the one
I made with their ancestors when I
took them by the hand and brought
them out of the land of Egypt.'”
-Jeremiah 31:31-34
Who does it say the new covenant will be made with?
Not South Korea, England, America, or any other gentile nation.
Only with Israel.
Ya feeling me here?
Yeshua reiterated this point in the New Testament:
“I was sent only to
the lost sheep of Israel.”
-Matthew 15:24
“But what about John 3:16 where it says…
“God so loved the world that he gave his only and unique son, so that everyone who trusts in him may have eternal life, instead of being utterly destroyed?”…
…is what you’re thinking, right?
My response?
So freaking what man?!
You can’t pull one verse out of context and use it in an attempt to obliterate a fundamental Scriptural truth.
The fundamental truth is that God’s covenants of salvation have only been made with Israel.
That is how God saves the world…
He saves the world through the covenants He has only made with Israel.
Got it?
Are we clear here homies?
This means if any non-Hebrew is to be saved, he or she can only be redeemed by partaking in the covenants that God has only made with Israel.
Now why do I bring this up today?
Because it underscores a key point in our study of 1st Samuel Chapter 20.
In verse 42 where Jonathan says to David “Go in peace”, he isn’t just saying goodbye.
“Go in peace” is a technical or legal term.
It means the covenant between David and Jonathan is now in force.
Jonathan has kept his end of the covenant by warning David of his father’s (King Saul) true intentions and by giving up his right to inherit his father’s throne.
Jonathan is reminding David this covenant is not just between them…but also between their descendants.
And this agreement was to last forever.
“Therefore, remember your former state:
you Gentiles by birth — called the Uncircumcised
by those who, merely because of an operation
on their flesh, are called the Circumcised —
at that time had no Messiah. You were
estranged from the national life of Isra’el.
You were foreigners to the covenants
embodying God’s promise. You were in this
world without hope and without God.”
-Ephesians 2:11-12
Dude, are you really that out of touch? THAT covenant is NOT in place yet, and it is for the BLIND JEWS who exist at THAT TIME.
The REST of the REMNANT Jews, who are NOT blind, they are already saved NOW, based on the covenant at the cross, you know, the blood and the wine thing, the eat my flesh thing, under the DISPENSATION OF GRACE.
Two different covenants of salvation for the Jews here. One is for the remnant, and the other is for the REMAINING, after prophesy is fulfilled in Revelation…see chapter 14 for the JEWS! Chapter 7 for the REMNANT.
The one at the cross is for ALL THE NATIONS THAT YOU SAID IT WASN’T FOR. Hence Acts 10!
The one in Jeremiah HASN’T HAPPENED YET.