“‘If a person commits a sin against another person, the judges can mediate between them. But if a person commits a sin against Adonai, who can intercede for him?’ However, they wouldn’t pay attention to what their father said, because Adonai had decided to kill them.”-1 Samuel 2:25
There’s disagreement among scholars about the true meaning of verse 25 where it says “‘If a person commits a sin against another person, the judges can mediate between them.
Some scholars say it means that “human judges of a court” will mediate between two men who have a dispute.
Other scholars say it means that God Himself will step in and mediate between two men who are at odds with each other.
So which interpretation is right?
Well, from a literal perspective, the second view is correct.
Simply because the Hebrew word being used for “judges” here is ELOHIM…
And ELOHIM is the standard word for “God”.
So literally speaking, yes, what Eli is telling his sons is that when two men have a gripe between themselves, it is the Lord Himself who will step in to mediate.
And I may seem like I’m contradicting myself here.
The other viewpoint is just as valid.
Why do I say that?
Because it is also God Himself who has set up a justice system to deal with civil judicial matters between humans.
It’s called the Torah…
Or the 613 laws of the Law.
So God, within the framework of those laws, is also mediating between men…
Since He was the one who created and established those laws.
Ya see what I’m saying?
Human officials or mediators have always been viewed as possessing divine authority to administer justice on God’s behalf.
It was that way for Moses…
It was that way for the prophets who came after Moses…
And it was that way for Yeshua…
And speaking of Yeshua, he also commanded us to respect the authority of those who sat in the seat of Moses.
“Then Yeshua said to the
crowds and to his disciples:
‘The teachers of the law and
the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat.
So you must be careful to do
everything they tell you.
But do not do what they do,
for they do not practice
what they preach.'”
-Matthew 23:1-3
Hi Rich,
Could you elaborate on the verses from Mt. 23?
Are you saying that being “careful to do everything they tell you” refers to when they use written Torah commands to solve disputes?
1SamuEL 2:25 –
“2:25 If one man sin against another, ELOHIM shall judge him; but if a man sin against יהוה, who shall entreat for him? Notwithstanding, they did not listen to the voice of their father, because יהוה had decided to kill them.”
– Excerpt From Book of The Covenant 6th Ed. https://www.btc2023.net/1-prologue
From Context of 1Sa 2:25, it is apparent that “elohim” is not referring to “judges”, but to ELOHIM (YHWH), as reflected in above BTC version.