“When ‘Eli was very old, he heard about everything his sons were doing to all Israel, and that they were having sex with the women doing service at the door of the tent of meeting. He asked them, ‘Why are you doing things like this? I am hearing bad reports about you from all these people.'”-1 Samuel 2:22-23
In verse 22, we’re told when Eli was very old he kept hearing shocking reports about his 2 sons Hophni and Pinchas.
Apparently, they were having sex with the women who were “doing service at the tent of meeting”.
Who were these women?
They were NOT Temple prostitutes who served during Canaanite worship services.
These were female Levite workers who performed the routine tasks required at the Tabernacle.
Because of their low ranking position I’m guessing it was easy for Pinchas and Hophni to abuse their authority and take advantage of these women sexually.
Now let me make something clear.
Eli’s sons were NOT taking advantage of these women inside the Sanctuary…
I imagine God would have killed them on the spot if they had been doing that.
Instead, the women were probably taken to some smaller room nearby where the hanky panky took place.
Now don’t get me wrong…
The fact they weren’t performing the sex acts inside the sanctuary didn’t make what they were doing any less abominable.
They were committing unclean acts in close proximity to God’s holy dwelling place…
Which means the defilement that resulted was horrific.
We’re told a concerned Eli confronted his sons…
He asked them if the rumors he was hearing about them were true…
Because he hadn’t heard one good thing about their behavior.
Pinchas and Hophni paid no attention to their father.
Eli might as well have been speaking to a couple of deaf people.
His sons’ hearts had hardened beyond the point of no return…
Which means God had already determined their fates…
The window of opportunity to repent had long passed for these 2 scoundrels.
We see this situation occurring with other characters in the Bible as well.
Remember the Pharaoh of Egypt during the Exodus?
God also hardened his heart beyond the point of repentance.
This was done so the Lord’s wrath would reach its complete fulfillment allowing for Israel’s release from over 400 years of bondage.
What’s also interesting is a few verses later God brings up Israel’s hardship in Egypt as the context for his rebuke against Eli.
Plus, we shouldn’t overlook how this avenging attribute of the Lord is something well expressed in Hannah’s prayer…
How the Lord doesn’t play any favorites…
In a short time, we’re going to see God kill His own people…
Specifically Hophni and Pinchas…
And then He’s going to remove the High Priest Eli from his post…
In other words, God is going to lower those who deserve to be lowered.
And elevate those who deserve to be elevated…
Thus bringing balance to all situations.
Alrighty, there’s one key takeaway I’m getting from today’s devotional.
And it is this.
Understand there’s an invisible line that God draws in the sand so to speak…
And if you cross it, repentance is no longer possible…
In other words, in the beginning you may choose to harden your heart against the Lord…
Initially it’s your choice…
But if you continue to remain stubborn…
The time will come when it will no longer be you who hardens your heart…
But God will take over and harden your heart against Him…
When that happens, you’re done for…
Because you no longer have the ability to repent…
Which means your eternal destruction is sealed…
As horrifying as that is to contemplate…
There are many examples in Scripture that show this is true.
So how do I know if I’ve crossed that invisible line?
That’s a good question…
And the truth is I can’t say for sure…
Only the Lord knows whose hearts He will harden resulting in their eternal destruction.
One thing I can say with confidence is this however:
If you’re concerned about whether or not you’ve crossed that line…
Then you probably haven’t.
Because a person whose heart has been hardened against God by God doesn’t care anymore…
He has completely written the Lord off…
He feels zero remorse for his sins…
Heck, he probably doesn’t even believe in God anymore…
And would laugh at your suggestion that God will judge him for his sins…
So if there’s still concern in your heart…
And a desire to know and obey your Creator…
I don’t think you’ve crossed that line.
Ya feel me?
When your willing to extend your wrists to handcuffs and are willing to be thrown into prison.
When your willing to say to the ones who want to kill you because of the gospel “I’m willing to die”
When your willing to pray and bless those who will spit in your face or ridicule you for your faith in the risen Messiah.
This is when you know you have come to a point of no return.
Great points made.