“But Sh’mu’el ministered
in the presence of Adonai,
wearing a linen ritual vest
even though he was only a child.”
-1 Samuel 2:18
Over the past couple of days we took a good look at just how apostate the Priesthood had become in Samuel’s time.
This apostasy was primarily expressed through Eli’s 2 sons who were called Hophni and Pinchas (sounds kind of Egyptian if you ask me)…
They would abuse the Israelite worshippers who traveled far distances from their tribal territories…
But that wasn’t the worst of their sins…
The straw that broke the camel’s back was how they treated God’s holy property…
They would take their long meat forks and poke the sacrifices eating whatever meat was left sticking to the utensils…
This despicable behavior sealed their fate for good.
And let’s not overlook the fact their shenanigans were all occurring under Eli, the High Priest’s watch…
He was just as responsible as well.
However, what’s interesting is how the apostasy of Eli’s family is contrasted with the behavior and innocence of a small child.
Note the Scripture says Samuel was “ministering” or “serving” Adonai from a young age…
Which means he had an intimate relationship with God before he’d even reached the age of 7!
While we can debate whether it was appropriate or not for Samuel to perform priestly duties at such an early age…
One takeaway we get from this is that even young children can grasp the greatness and nature of God…
And enter into a close relationship with Him.
Recall Yeshua said…
“I tell you the truth,
unless you change and
become like little children,
you will never enter
the kingdom of heaven.
Therefore, whoever humbles
himself like this child
is the greatest in the
kingdom of heaven.”
-Matthew 18:3-4
And Yeshua also said…
“If anyone causes one of these little ones
—those who believe in me—
to stumble, it would be better for them
if a large millstone were hung around
their neck and they were thrown into the sea.”
I mention this because I find it amazing that God was able to keep the young Samuel pure and free from corruption even though he was surrounded by worthless scoundrels who had forsaken the faith by letting their fleshly desires get the better of them.
There are 2 takeaways here.
FIRST, it’s never too early to begin schooling your children in the ways of the Lord.
SECOND, if you sincerely surrender to God, He can and will keep you pure even in a sinful world.
Over and out.
And let’s not forget Proverbs 22:6….(CJB)
“Train a child in the way he should go; and, even when old, he will not swerve from it.”
This proverb is a two-edged sword, for when you train a child correctly, they return to it, but when a child is allowed to do what it wants, it will return to that, as well.
It is interesting how many first-born in the Bible,f irst-born to righteous men, turned out rotten.
Great point and comment Steven!
Thanks for sharing!