“My people, come out of her!
so that you will not share in her sins,
so that you will not be infected by her plagues,
for her sins are a sticky mass piled up to heaven,
and God has remembered her crimes.”
-Revelation 18:4-5
So we’ve been studying the 7 letters of Revelation that call out the 7 types of apostate churches…
And by this time you may be wondering what ever happened to our study of 1 Samuel?
My answer to that is…
Hey man!
This IS our our study of 1 Samuel.
Because the truth is in Hannah’s day, the Levite Priests in charge of the sanctuary decided to do away with the Torah…
And in its place establish a bunch of manmade traditions and doctrines.
They claimed their manmade observances reflected God’s Will and the Word of God…
But the Lord wasn’t buying their hypocrisy.
There is a direct connection to the falling away that occurred in Hannah’s day to the apostasy called out in the 7 letters of Revelation…
And I’d say an even more direct connection to the state of affairs in our day…
ESPECIALLY when you take a look at a good majority of the Christian religious institutions.
For what has the gentile church done?
They’ve replaced sound Biblical doctrine with a bunch of flowery manmade traditions, doctrines and observances that they say is the the Word of God but is anything but that.
And boy I’ve got a news flash for them…
They’re one of the prime targets who Yeshua calls out in his 7 letters of Revelation.
Can you see now why I took the time to draw a parallel between Hannah’s Prayer and the 7 letters of Revelation?
I hope you’re catching the implications of this…
Especially if you’re associated with one of the apostate churches who Yeshua calls out.
Well Rich, I am associated with one of the apostate churches Yeshua calls out in the 7 letters of Revelation.
So what should I do?
The answer is the same the answer God has been giving his His People ever since He commanded Abraham to separate from his homeland.
The answer is given in Revelations 18:5:
“Come out of her, My people”.
That’s the prescribed solution homies…
That’s ALWAYS been the prescribed solution.
If you can’t realize by now that the institutional gentile church is the great whore of Babylon, I don’t know what to tell you.
Think about what the definition of an “apostate church” is for a sec here.
Is it not a church that claims Christ is its head?
And calls on the name of Yeshua for authority?
Yet they’ve declared that more than one-half of the Bible is irrelevant to their faith…
And have trashed the Lord’s laws and commands.
Their very understanding of God’s nature doesn’t even remotely resemble anything contained in Scripture anymore.
Understand I’m not necessarily referring to just ONE institutional church or denomination.
I’m talking about a mindset of whoring, unfaithfulness and apostasy that you’ll find in ALL manmade religious institutions.
I’m calling out EVERYBODY man…
Any organization that upholds the Bible and Yeshua as their authority…
But then turns around and spits in his face…
That organization is one to whom Yeshua will say…
“Get away from me,
you workers of lawlessness.
I never knew you”.
And if you’re wondering how I know Revelation 18 is calling out apostate believers and NOT wicked heathens…
Well, just look at who the message is being directed towards homies.
God is calling out “My people”.
“My people” have always been followers of YHVH.
Even the accusation of “whoring” wouldn’t make sense contextually if that wasn’t so.
Because “whoring” only occurs when a believer substitutes the pure worship of the God of Israel for something else.
“Religious syncretism” or mixing elements from human philosophies or other religions in order to be more acceptable to a world hostile to our faith is a perfect example of this.
So let’s close by getting this one point straight.
The apostasy being called out in Revelation 18 is the same apostasy called out in Revelation chapters 1, 2 and 3.
And it’s the same apostasy that was happening in Hannah’s day…
Which is also the same apostasy happening in our day.
This is all about individual believers butting heads with apostate religious organizations who claim to represent the God of Israel on earth…
But do NOT obey or honor His Laws and Commands.
Which makes them pretty darn easy to call out if you think about it.
Any organization that claims Christ did away with the Law while claiming the Bible as their Holy Text is immediately suspect.
I think it’s pretty obvious which institution we’re talking about here.
On one hand, they claim God never changes…
But on the other hand, they claim that with the advent of Yeshua He replaced one set of commandments for another…
Which means they’re saying God’s very nature and characteristics somehow changed.
Man, the hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a wooden butter knife about 6 inches in diameter.
Anyway, let me end this rant by leaving you with this question:
If you’re associated with one of the apostate organizations Yeshua call out in the 7 letters of Revelations…
Are you gonna bow down to social pressure and continue to walk down the road of least resistance because it’s popular, comfortable and familiar?
Or are you gonna obey God and SEPARATE yourself from the idolatry, apostasy and abominations no matter what the consequences?
Either way, be prepared to accept the eternal consequences.
Don’t say you weren’t warned.
Over and out.
Amen & amen.
2Thessalonians –
“2:3 Let no one deceive you in any way. For it will not be, unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of Torah-lessness is revealed, the son of destruction,
2:4 he who opposes and exalts himself against all that is called elohim or that is shachah; so that he sits in the temple of ELOHIM, setting himself up as ELOHIM.”
Excerpt From
BTC 6th Ed