“I know what you are doing.
Look, I have put in front of you an open door,
and no one can shut it.
I know that you have but little power,
yet you have obeyed my message
and have not disowned me.”
-Revelations 3:8
So we’re told the church in Philadelphia is small in size and has little influence…
Especially when compared to other well-established traditional and I should add apostate organizations.
Even though their muscle power is limited, Yeshua tells them he’s going to send them people from some of the other mega apostate churches so they can be exposed to the truth…
And hopefully be saved from the fate of those who stubbornly choose to stay in their idolatrous and apostate communities.
So who do you think this type of church represents today?
Well, if the big and apostate churches are those who represent the pork-eating lawless Christian denominations in existence today like the Baptists, Presbyterians, Lutherans and so on, then it’s pretty obvious who’s being referred to here, don’t you think?
It’s those brave folks who woke up to the fact that…
Yeshua never really did abolish the Law…
Israel ALWAYS has been and ALWAYS will be God’s chosen people…
Yeshua ONLY came to save Israel and no gentile nation…in other words, the New Covenant is ONLY for Israel…
The so-called “Old” Testament is the only legitimate God-breathed Holy Scripture and NOT some New Testament…
The teachings of Moses including the Biblical Feasts will be the official law for the whole planet when Messiah returns back to Jerusalem…
The Biblical Sabbath was never changed to Sunday…
Christmas & Easter are based on pure paganism…
And I could go on and on but I think you get my point.
These were people who couldn’t take the falsehoods being not just casually accepted but vigorously promoted in their churches and made the decision to leave…
Or if they decided to stay were eventually booted out for “spreading heresy” and “causing division” amongst the body of believers.
At least that’s what happened to me anyway…many times.
I imagine these are also the types of churches are that viewed as losers by the members of the so-called “socially approved” members of the church of Ephesus.
You know the kind I’m talking about…
Where the church is more of a Saturday or Sunday social schmoozing club where professionals get together to show off their kids, their wives and drop not so subtle hints at how well they’re keeping up with Joneses compared to everybody else.
Man do I hate those type of congregations.
I imagine if a member of one of these Ephesus-type socially approved organizations was to read this article, they’d snicker to themselves with self-assured arrogance and say…
“Only an extremist loser who has no friends or family would write an article like this”.
Yet, Yeshua reassures those “losers” who are in the world but not of the world that in due time they shall be vindicated…
And to the lawless denominations, I imagine the following excerpt from the book of Matthew would be most applicable to them:
Not everyone who says to me,
‘Lord, Lord!’ will enter the
Kingdom of Heaven,
only those who do what my
Father in heaven wants.
On that Day, many will say to me,
‘Lord, Lord! Didn’t we prophesy
in your name? Didn’t we expel
demons in your name? Didn’t we
perform many miracles in your
name?’ Then I will tell them to
their faces, ‘I never knew you!
Get away from me, you
workers of lawlessness.”
-Matthew 7:21-23
Over and out homies.
P.S. Would add this comment I got from a reader who makes it clear exactly what “lawlessness” is referring to. Thanks Gim!
“Amen and amen. It would be perfect if the last word in this article is “Torah-lessness” (instead of “Lawlessness”).
1 Jn 3:4 – 3:4 Everyone who practices sin practices Torah-lessness; for sin is Torah-lessness.
{extract from Book of The Covenant- An Integrated Translation and Transliteration of the Hebraic scriptures}”
Amen and amen.
It would be perfect if the last word in this article is “Torah-lessness” (instead of “Lawlessness”).
1Jn 3:4 – 3:4 Everyone who practices sin practices Torah-lessness; for sin is Torah-lessness.
{extract from Book of The Covenant- An Integrated Translation and Transliteration of the Hebraic scriptures}
My audience should understand…
But thanks for making that clear.
Shalom 😀!