“I know where you are living,
there where the Adversary’s throne is.
Yet you are holding onto my name.
You did not deny trusting me
even at the time when my faithful
witness Antipas was put to death in your town,
there where the Adversary lives.
Nevertheless, I have a few things against you:
you have some people
who hold to the teaching of Bil‘am,
who taught Balak to set a trap
for the people of Israel,
so that they would eat food
that had been sacrificed
to idols and commit sexual sin.”
Next up in our study of Apostate Churches is the Messianic Community in Pergamum.
The Lord’s testimony starts off positive with this one…
We’re told this congregation was very courageous because they did not deny their faith even when one of their members named Antipas was put to death in their town.
Who was this Antipas guy?
We don’t know much about him except he was called God’s “faithful witness”.
Therefore, it’s clear he died as a martyr.
However, soon after, the Lord’s praise turned into criticism.
The community was rebuked for taking on the role of Balaam.
Well, that’s all we need to know to identify which church this is in our day.
For what did Balaam do?
He tried to curse and destroy Israel by tempting them to abandon their Hebrew heritage and take on the ways of the gentiles.
Now read that last sentence again…
And ask yourself which organization fits that description to a tee?
Yup…it’s the good ‘ole law-denying, pork-eating gentile church now, isn’t it?
Whenever I’m in a Christian Bible study group and we’re discussing Israel, someone will usually say something like “them Jews need to accept their Messiah and join us”.
I’m always infuriated when I hear that!!!
Because it’s such a blatant expression of Christian arrogance and stupidity.
And it reflects such a falsehood.
Whenever I hear that, I feel like shouting out…
“No, you idiots.
They don’t have to join you…
It is YOU gentiles who have actually joined them…
And been grafted in through your faith in the Jewish Messiah.
A Jew doesn’t become a Christian when they accept Yeshua.
They actually become more Jewish…
Ask any Jewish believer who has sincerely accepted Yeshua as their Messiah, Lord and Savior and you’ll see what I’m saying is true.
A Jew doesn’t undergo conversion when he or she accepts Christ.
He or she has come home…
And has embraced his or her Godly heritage more fully than ever.
I’d say any Church that preaches they have replaced Israel as God’s chosen people is like the community of Pergamum.
They’re trying to hijack God and His son…
And replace Israel with themselves.
That is a blasphemy.
“He answered,
‘I was sent only to
the lost sheep of Israel.'”
-Matthew 15:24
Thank you! We have been grafted in!!!