Now that we’re in the books of Samuel, the timing is perfect to address another FALSE teaching often taught in Christian seminaries.
It’s called Dispensationalism.
Ever heard of that word?
It’s one of those gentile theologies that arose during the so-called European Enlightenment.
In a Christian seminary, it’s usually taught in a “Systematic Theology” class.
In a nutshell, Dispensationalism says that Bible history can be broken up into different administrations…
And that during each dispensation, God did two things.
FIRST, He changed how he governed…
SECOND, He changed His rules and Laws.
Now I can agree with the first notion.
Over time God did indeed change how He governed Israel.
In fact, the books of Samuel are all about how Israel switched over from the era of the Judges to the era of the Kings.
In addition, Christian scholars are correct when they liken Samuel to John the Baptist in the sense that both men ushered in the next stage of the Kingdom of God in a series of stages that will end with the final judgement and salvation of all mankind.
However, what I absolutely cannot agree with or accept is the idea that God’s justice system (the Torah) and its foundational principles were somehow changed or done away with.
That is pure booooooooooooool sheeeeeeeeeeet.
And this is where Christianity veers off the track from Biblical truth in a really bad way.
They’ll say Yeshua established a whole new justice system and religion just for gentiles…
While at the same time keeping the old justice system in place for the Jews.
What a load of cr&p!!!
To say that Yeshua broke away from previous patterns…
Or did away with previous covenants would make him a false Messiah…period!
There seems to be this ridiculous belief that every time an era of human governance changed…
Like from Moses to the era of the Judges…
And then from Judges to the era of the Kings…
That somehow the Torah was changed or altered.
So let me set things straight for the record.
-God has NEVER destroyed, did away with or made any foundational changes to ANY covenant He has ever made.
-God has NEVER replaced Israel with the Church and He never will.
-God has NEVER created two separate justice systems, one for Jews and one for gentiles.
Got it homies?
These are three false things some Christian denominations say God did that He actually never did.
Human governments may change…
But God’s laws, principles and covenants will NEVER change.
God’s Laws remain true and applicable regardless of which type of human government we’re dealing with…
Whether it’s a monarchy, a democracy or even communism.
And when Messiah returns you had best believe the whole world will fall under Torah rule…for BOTH ethnic gentiles and Jews.
So understand that while Samuel did usher in a new type of human government for Israel…
He did NOT usher in some new religion with revised laws, patterns and principles that God already established in the Torah.
And the very same thing could be said of the Messiah.
So let me say it again.
A Messiah who has done away with or changed God’s Law in any way is FALSE Messiah…period.
“Do not think that I have come
to abolish the Law or the Prophets;
I have not come to abolish them
but to fulfill them.
For truly I tell you,
until heaven and earth disappear,
not the smallest letter,
not the least stroke of a pen,
will by any means disappear
from the Law until everything
is accomplished.
Therefore anyone who sets aside
one of the least of these commands
and teaches others accordingly
will be called least in the
kingdom of heaven,
but whoever practices
and teaches these commands
will be called great
in the kingdom of heaven.
For I tell you that unless
your righteousness surpasses
that of the Pharisees and
the teachers of the law,
you will certainly not enter
the kingdom of heaven.”
-Matthew 5:17-20
P.S. I should also mention there are varying views of Dispensational Theology.
Some Christian denominations wholeheartedly take the position that the gentile church flat out replaced Israel.
This is called Replacement Theology.
Others see Israel and the Church as two separate entities.
And that God created one set of commandments for the Jews (the Law of Moses)…
While creating another set of commandments for the gentiles.
Both are WRONG.
The whole idea of Dispensationalism should be thrown right in the trash where it belongs.
If i may add another aspect of how wrong it is to think that Yeshua (Jesus) changed any laws, commandments, or rules that God gave in the Torah is that if he ahd, he would then have been preaching rebellion against God.
Isaac, the son of Abraham, is held up as a model of a obedient and respectful son, obedeint even to death when he realized that he was the sacrifice. We see yeshua in this light, as the son obedient to the father, even unto death.
Many years later, we read about Absalom, the son of David the King, who tried to steal his father’s rule by undermining his fathers position and placing himself in the role of a generous, fair-minded and compassionate leader. This is the rebellious son that Christianity has turned Yeshua into.
Great comment…
And a point I’d like to incorporate into once I get into the story of Absalom and his tumultuous relationship with his father.
I am new to this and need to adapt and learn. I don’t know how a am gonna do with this change. I just hope that I don’t get discouraged.
Ask the Lord and stay in the Word. Don’t blindly trust your pastor, preacher or teacher for what’s written in the Scriptures.
Don’t be one of the blind being led by the blind.
Remember God’s revelation at Mount Sinai was given to ALL of Israel (the young, the old, male and female, the mixed multitude), not just a select few.
Be blessed and SHALOM!