“For it is not by strength that a person prevails —
those who fight Adonai will be shattered;
he will thunder against them in heaven —
Adonai will judge the ends of the earth.
He will strengthen his king
and enhance the power of his anointed.”
1 Samuel 2:9-10
The final part of verse 9 warns us that no amount of human strength or determination can come against the Lord’s Will.
Those who try will be “shattered”.
“Shattered” means the destruction will be total and complete.
There will be no recovery or chance to repent…
Which is exactly what is going to happen to those gentile nations who come against Israel in the last days.
We’re told God will “thunder against the rebels in heaven”.
The Hebrew word for “thunder” is RA’AM or רָעַם.
It actually has two meanings.
It can refer to the sound of thunder in a storm.
Or it can mean to roar or to cause one to tremble.
Scripturally speaking, God’s thunder is normally the sign that precedes His divine judgement…
Just as we know a storm is coming whenever we hear thunder.
God’s wrath is first unleashed in the heavens BEFORE it manifests on earth.
The reason for this divine order is so we can have time to warn others of the judgement to come…
And also to get prepared ourselves.
What do I mean by “get prepared”?
I’m talking about the chance to change our ways before it’s too late.
Because when it’s too late, the Scriptures make it clear there’s nowhere on earth you can run to escape God’s judgement.
There’s no neutral territory like Switzerland was in World War II.
Once the door leading to repentance closes, your fate is sealed.
And that is your takeaway for today.
While the thunders are still rumbling up in the heavens, you still have a small window of opportunity to avert the storm that’s on it’s way…
Just like the people of Nineveh were given a window of opportunity…
And repented and thus avoided destruction at the hands of the Lord.
Ya feel me?
Over and out.
When you talk about God’s judgement, I have tried to explain to so many people that we are also to judge others.
Christians have misunderstood Yeshua’s warning about judgement to be that we should not judge, at all- but what he was saying is that the WAY we judge will be used against us.
So (here’s the part they never get) WHEN you judge, judge as God would- that means do so fairly, compassionately, and as you would want to be judged.
We all need to make judgements in life- whether which TV show to watch, or how to evaluate an employee, or whether or not someone is seriously rude to us or just joking. Without making judgements, we will be lost in a society.
BTW…as a former active duty Marine, I have to mention that no one in the military uses “Over and Out”- that is a violation of proper radio protocol. “Over” means I am done and expect a reply, and “Out” means the message is completed and I do NOT expect a reply.
So, nu? It is either “over”, and the other side replies, or when you are done, you say “Out”, and discontinue the transmission.
And, since I am on it and totally off the topic, “Roger” is used to confirm the message is recieved, but only the “6”- who is the commander- can say “wilco”, which is short for “Will Comply”.
Only the commanding officer has the authority to comply with an order, not the radio operator.
You know, I bet we could make a spiritual message out of that last statement.
Great comment! Thanks for sharing.
“Over and out” is Rich Oka lingo.
Be blessed!
Amen, it brings me peace seeing His divine hand. Lately I sense He’s been establishing His Righteous Judgement in me. But, those on the outside will hear thunder when by His grace I hear His voice, as my being is filled with wisdom, the beginning being the fear of the Lord, I tremble in loving peace as I yearn for more and those outside hear The Lion of Judah roar! Timely teaching, blessings