“…For the earth’s pillars belong to Adonai;
on them he has placed the world.”
-1 Samuel 2:8
In Hannah’s prayer, the latter half of verse 8 says “For the earth’s pillars belong to Adonai“.
Let’s take a look at the Hebrew word for “pillars” for a second.
It’s MATSUKH and is actually a very rare word.
Now there’s actually a lot of heated debated among scholars about what this word really means.
Some will say it means “pillars” which is how most Bible translations render it.
Others will actually say it means “molten core”.
So which one is it?
Well, from a scientific perspective, if we’re talking about the actual thing that supports the earth, then I’d have to say the correct answer is “molten core”.
Because the molten core which lies at the center of our planet is the one thing that enables life on earth.
It generates a magnetic field so we can have electricity…
And also protects us from deadly cosmic rays that could fry our planet to a crisp in a second.
This steaming’ hot ball also regulates the temperatures of all the oceans and seas on our planet.
Without this automated supervision in place, our underwater food chain would perish.
As a result, our earth would be as barren as Hannah’s womb before the Lord reignited her womb.
So when Hannah brought her son Samuel to the Tabernacle for service to the Lord and praised God, she was referring to the deep foundations INSIDE the earth’s crust.
Ya feel me?
She was praising the sovereignty of God and His control over all physical processes.
And we’re going to see this sovereignty play out in the last days when the Lord begins to pour out His wrath on the planet.
During the last judgement, God will manipulate the natural order of things to the point where all life will be nearly ended.
Anyways, getting back to the word MATSUKH, understand the ancients had no idea our planet is really made up of thin and hard crust that’s wrapped around a fiery hot molten core of liquid rock…
Kind of like a huge Matzah ball if you think about it…
So when the ancients used expressions like…
“He shakes the earth from its place;
its supporting pillars tremble.”
-Job 9:6
It was just a poetic form of expression.
The pillars of the earth aren’t referring to columns under our planet (flat earthers may disagree however)…
It’s referring to the foundations of the surface of the earth deep inside the earth’s crust.
Our planet is not set on pillars at all.
Samson pulled down two pillars on Judges29:16 and the word used for pillar is:
h5982. עַמּוּד ‘ammûḏ; or עַמֻּד ‘ammud; from 5975; a column (as standing); also a stand, i.e. platform: — x apiece, pillar.
AV (110) – pillar 109, apiece + h0259 1;
pillar, columnpillarcolumn, uprightcolumn (of smoke)
It is uncanny that the word used in Hannah’s prayer for pillar actually referes to a “molten” substance AND a narrow support column:
h4690. מָצוּק mâṣûq; or מָצֻק matsuq; from 6693; something narrow, i.e. a column or hilltop: — pillar, situate.
AV (2) – pillars 1, situate 1;
molten support, pillar, column
(from Strong’s)
Thanks for sharing.
Uncanny but true.
Our creator created stars he did not create orbiting planets.
The earth is flat and stationary.
Yeah? So how’s that fact gonna change how you live?