Today we begin 1st Samuel Chapter 19.
For the Complete Jewish Bible, click HERE.
For the King James version, click HERE.
“Sha’ul told Y’honatan his son and all his servants that they should have David killed. But because Y’honatan was very fond of David, he told him, “My father Sha’ul is out to have you killed. Therefore you must be very cautious tomorrow morning. Find a well-concealed place to hide in.”-1 Samuel 19:1-2
In terms of his true feelings toward David, Saul isn’t hiding anything anymore.
He tried to get David killed by sending him out to battle the Philistines, but that didn’t work
So now, he orders everyone in his court to kill David themselves if they have a chance.
“Don’t suppose that I have
come to bring peace to the Land.
It is not peace I have come to bring,
but a sword! For I have come to set
a man against his father, a daughter
against her mother, a daughter-in-law
against her mother-in-law, so that a
man’s enemies will be the members
of his own household.”
-Matthew 10:34-36
“I have told you these things so that
you won’t be caught by surprise.
They will ban you from the synagogue;
in fact, the time will come when anyone
who kills you will think he is serving God!
They will do these things because
they have understood neither
the Father nor me. But I have told you
this, so that when the time comes
for it to happen, you will remember
that I told you.’
-John 16:1-4
That word “Synagogue” in Jn 16:2, is a biased transliteration from the Greek “synagogue”; which simply means “assembly”. This Greek word was never intended to exclusively refer to YaHudim (Jewish) assembly only. It can refer to any assembly, which can be determined from context. The Replacement theologians have conveniently transliterated it as synagogue when it is in a negative context; whereas in other positive context occurrences, the same word is then translated as “assembly”. Any interlinear will verify this unfortunate biased translation/ Transliteration. It does not help that contemporary society at large today has fallen to the biased re-definition of this term as referring to YaHudim assembly only. Scripture interpretation shall always follow the original contextual meaning of words, and not contemporary meaning of words which has been changed to suit contemporary theology.
Thanks for expanding on this teaching.
This is another excellent teaching – thank you!
Thank you for following. Be blessed!