So who do you think the future antichrist is gonna be?
If you’re like most people, you probably think he’s gonna be a typical gentile…
Some refined white-skinned European-looking person who will be an atheist or preach tolerance of all religions to promote some peaceful agenda.
But here’s the question we gotta ask ourselves.
Why in the world would a devout Jew who is waiting for his Messiah expect a gentile to come?
On the other hand, why would gentile Christians expect a professed atheist or agnostic as their savior?
Both of these cases seem quite improbable, don’t they?
Well, I think we need to look at the pattern of King Saul for the answers.
As I said yesterday, King Saul had Israelite blood in him but he was no longer part of Israel.
Also, there’s something else I think a lot of folks overlook.
Most people weren’t even aware God was no longer with Saul at this time except a few of Saul’s closest friends.
Even David, who would later become king, didn’t know that God had cut off Saul.
Think about that for a sec.
David still thought Saul was the real king despite him being chosen by God to be Saul’s replacement.
That’s right.
When Samuel anointed David, David never really understood what it was all about.
So, if we’re going to use this scenario as a pattern for what’s gonna happen in the future, isn’t it safe to say the coming anti-Christ will have to be someone acceptable to BOTH religious Jews and devout Christians?
In other words, to fool the world and kick off prophesied events, he’s gonna have to be very much like King Saul was.
He will appear to be doing God’s Will and will speak words of peace…
But the opposite will be true.
Is it possible that the Antichrist won’t even know who he is until God says it’s time ? Just a thought.
That’s a real interesting thought. Kind of reminds me of Judah. In the beginning, I don’t think he had any intentions that he was going to betray Jesus.