“Then David ran and stood over the P’lishti, took his sword, drew it out of its sheath, and finished killing him, cutting off his head with it. When the P’lishtim saw that their hero was dead, they fled.The men of Isra’el and Y’hudah got up, shouting, and pursued the P’lishtim all the way to Gat and the gates of ‘Ekron. The wounded P’lishtim fell down all along the road from Sha‘arayim to Gat and ‘Ekron. After chasing the P’lishtim, the army of Isra’el returned and plundered their camp.”-1 Samuel 17:51-53
Let’s talk about the October 7th massacre that occurred in Israel for a sec.
On that horrific day, Hamas terrorists waged the deadliest attack on Jews since the Holocaust – slaughtering babies, raping women, burning whole families alive, and taking hundreds of innocent civilians hostage.
Of course, Israel had no choice but to respond militarily.
After clearing Hamas militants from its territory, the Israeli army immediately began bombing the Gaza Strip from the air followed by a large-scale ground invasion which began on October 27th.
Fast forward to today, Israel has now gained the upper hand and Hamas is on the brink of defeat.
Yet how do these Hamas cowards respond?
They respond by begging for a ceasefire.
But Netanyahu is not having any of it.
Because you cannot invade the sovereign borders of the nation of Israel…
Rape, maim and murder innocent people…
And then expect to dictate the terms of your own survival and staying in power in the Gaza Strip.
Can you see how dishonest and deceitful the enemies of God are?
I bring this up because this is similar to the behavior of the Philistines after Goliath was defeated.
We’re told the Philistines “fled”.
Ain’t that interesting?
I say that’s interesting because that certainly wasn’t the deal Goliath had proposed on their behalf.
The deal was that whichever side lost would surrender unconditionally to the winning side.
But the Philistines reneged on that promise…
And hightailed it back to the cities of Gath and Ekron (the two cities of the Philistine Pentapolis).
They turned out to be both cowards and liars – two attributes that have always characterized the enemies of God.
Following Goliath’s defeat, we’re told the Israelite army chased after the fleeing Philistine soldiers and slaughtered them.
Then they returned to the Valley of Elah and raided what was left of the Philistine camp.
Next, we’re told David took Goliath’s head and armor as a reward and put it in his tent.
However, the word “tent” here is not talking about a temporary shelter constructed out of animal skins that were common in the day.
It meant the family house.
Afterward, we’re told David took Goliath’s head and left it in Jerusalem.
That opens up a whole other topic of discussion we’ll be getting into soon.
So let’s switch over to the takeaway.
Today modern Israel needs someone like David…
After the October 7th massacre, much of the world has turned against Israel.
The Palestinians (Greek for Philistines) have partnered up with their Arab and Muslim neighbors.
They’re also supported by some countries in Western Europe, not to mention Biden’s presidency which is pushing Israel for a ceasefire.
The bottom line is there are close to a billion people around the world who would love to see Israel destroyed.
The world is threatening Israel to give up its God-given land inheritance or be wiped out.
When I say the world, I’m talking about the combined military and financial might of the gentile nations who stand against Israel.
The situation is bleak.
When the Israeli government looks at the gentile forces arrayed against them, they can’t see any way out.
And you know what?
They’re right.
Any way you slice it, from an earthly, human perspective, Israel has no hope.
It appears to be a true “Goliath against David” situation.
But here’s what modern Israel and the world are overlooking.
We ain’t just dealing with a human or earthly geo-political struggle here homies.
Just as it was in the Valley of Elah, we’re dealing with a spiritual confrontation.
And if it’s a spiritual battle, guess who is sovereign and is in control?
The answer is the God of Israel.
Remember, Scripture is all about understanding the patterns it contains.
The young David defeated what seemed to be an insurmountable obstacle in the form of Goliath.
And right now, Israel seems to be facing another Goliath in the form of all the gentile nations arrayed against her.
We’re told in the end times, that all the world’s armies with all of their advanced weaponry and overwhelming numbers are going to attack Israel in the Valley of Jezebel at the battlefield called Armageddon.
Israel will appear to be toast in this situation.
But if the Scriptural pattern is correct…
And remember, to truly understand the Bible means to understand its patterns…
Here’s what’s gonna happen…
When the arrogant gentile nations of the world gather against Israel…
And during their attack, when it seems like the Hebrew nation is on the verge of extinction…
A deliverer, one who is the offspring of David, the Messiah will return in fury to slay this modern Goliath (the gentile nations) that have gathered against Israel.
When that happens, Israel and all those who are grafted into Israel will be saved.
“I was sent only to
the lost sheep of Israel.”
-Matthew 15:24
Matthew 10:6 Go not the way of the Gentiles… “but GO RATHER TO THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL. and as you go, preach, saying, The KINGDOM of HEAVEN is at hand… read all the verses to 10:15… And as so you are right : JESUS said to the Canaanite woman who called out to him in anguish… VERSE 22 …”HAVE MERCY ON ME, O LORD, THOU SON OF DAVID, MY DAUGHTER IS GRIEVOUSLY VEXED WITH A DEVIL. (23) BUT HE answered NOT A WORD… v 24 : HE SAID: “I was sent only to the LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL”.. v. 25 She worshipped HIM saying, “LORD HELP ME”! V. 26 : HE said: “IT IS NOT RIGHT TO TAKE THE CHILDREN’S BREAD AND TO CAST IT TO DOGS”. V, 27 and she said, “TRUTH LORD, YET THE DOGS EAT OF THE CRUMBS WHICH FALL FROM THEIR MASTERS’ TABLE!” 28. Then JESUS answered and said unto her, “O WOMAN, GREAT IS THY FAITH; BE IT UNTO THEE EVEN AS THOU WILT. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.” WOW! Is that every beautiful… She did not take NO for an answer and continued pleading and begging and because she believed HE could, HE would, HE did heal her daughter !
Just last week I studied MATTHEW 15:24 as per your post – The question then is this:
Which brings us to another passage, a passage of such importance like no other :
Ezekiel 37:16-28 – … Son of man, take thee one stick and write upon it, FOR JUDAH and for the children of ISRAEL his companions; then take another stick, and write upon it, FOR JOSEPH, the stick of EPHRAIM and for all the HOUSE of ISRAEL his companions… (17) And join them ONE TO ANOTHER INTO ONE STICK; and they shall become ONE IN YOUR HAND… Verse 22 is KEY : “AND I WILL MAKE THEM ONE NATION IN THE LAND UPON THE MOUNTAINS OF ISRAEL, AND ONE KING SHALL BE KING TO THEM ALL AND THEY SHALL BE NO MORE TWO NATIONS, NEITHER SHALL THEY BE DIVIDED INTO TWO KINGDOMS ANY MORE AT ALL.”
Maybe we can dive into WHO the TWO NATIONS ARE and WHO THIS KING IS if not “YESHUA HA-MASHIACH”… But as I study JUDAISM by attending origianlly an ORTHODOX SYNAGOGUE (1998-1990) but for the last FIVE YEARS at the prompting of the HOLY SPIRIT, I attend regularly a CONSERVATIVE SYNAGOGUE – ADATH JESHURUN CONGREGATION, MTKA, MN.
I am not talking “MESSIANIC” but CONSERVATIVE / REFORM SYNAGOGUE … Rabbi Harold Kravitz. Google his name. He is quite popular now since he was elected as Head over all the Conservative & Reform Synagogues – 1600 Synagogues… Rabbi Harold Kravitz knows that I LOVE YESHUA / JESUS, yet he allows me to worship with them. Thus I do know that they are waiting for MOSHIACH – it is obviously NOT JESUS – since they have rejected JESUS CHRIST as LORD & SAVIOR for 2000+ YEARS… It is a spiritual Leader – check out CHABAD.ORG – This Orthodox Website gives as good description of who that LEADER is , also they have no idea when he is going to show up – I hear there are 3 potential “MOSHIACH’S” claiming the title – I am sure you heard about the RED HEIFER – and according to a recent report, 10.7.2-23 happened to prevent the arrival of MOSHIACH.
PS : IT IS ALSO NOT THE ANTI-CHRIST … And there is more to the Story but we shall wait a few days for the GOOD NEWS to spread ! JESUS / YESHUA says in Matthew 22:37 THOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD THY GOD WITH ALLYOUR HEART AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND. (38) THIS IS THE FIRST AND GREAT COMMANDMENT (referring to DEUT 6:4 – the SHEMA) v 39 : And the second is like unto it, “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF. V 40 ON THESE TWO COMMANDMENTS HANG ALL THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS. v. 41-46 JESUS / YESHUA stumps the Pharisees … and no man was able to answer him a word… THEY WERE SPEECHLESS.
Enought said… We pray and the LORD answers our prayers if we pray according to HIS FATHER’S WILL. PERIOD… This I know for sure : we MUST pray for SHALOM TO JER-USA-LEM daily to be Blessed as PSALM 122:6-7 ! BeBlessed not stressed…. I DO JUST THAT…