Gotta question for you…
And I want you to be honest with me when you answer.
When you hear the word “monarchy”, what thought comes to mind?
Does it feel like some ancient or outdated form of government that is no longer relevant to our modern times?
The reason I’m asking is to point out that history is continually moving forward.
It’s in a state of constant progression.
But here’s the thing.
This progression is God’s Will.
Times, technology, circumstances, and cultures may change, but God never changes.
The Lord never goes backward.
Ya feel me?
God didn’t choose (with David) to change the way He ruled His Kingdom from a monarchy to an administration of judges.
He never wants to go back to the older ways of running things unlike Islam which seems ferociously intent on keeping the primitive ways of civilization.
My point is even as time moves forward and societies change and advance, God’s laws and principles remain valid for all times, all locations, and all cultures.
King Solomon said it best in the Book of Ecclesiastes:
“The end of the matter;
all has been heard.
Fear God and keep
his commandments,
for this is the whole duty of man.”
-Ecclesiastes 12:13
It doesn’t matter which country you live in…
Or what period of history you find yourself in…
If you consider yourself a worshipper of the God of Israel…
You have only one duty and purpose during your short time on this planet…
And that is to obey God’s ancient Torah…
Which as it turns out is not ancient at all…
It is timeless and eternal…
We are to obey it in faith while being guided by the Holy Spirit.
Let me remind you the word Torah means “instructions”, NOT law.
The Law of Moses is part of the Torah, but it is NOT the Torah itself.
So after the Lord anointed David, from that day forward, the Lord has ordained that Israel will be ruled by a king.
This is a divine fiat that will NEVER be reversed.
And if you’re a believer, you will be a member of that kingdom when Messiah returns and sits on his throne in Jerusalem.
It is a spiritual kingdom…
Yet at the same time, it will be a physical kingdom established on planet Earth.
So understand David foreshadows the Messiah who will rule over God’s chosen people forever.
David is the precursor of the eternal king to come.
Keep that constantly in mind as we move forward in our study of the life of this incredible man.
Well dude, my instruction from my Lord Jesus, is the instruction of faith, which is not of your instruction.
The instruction of Christ is not the instruction of Moses.
Paul said, I thru the instruction, am dead to the instructing.
And we are to consider ourselves divorced from the instructions of Moses, and be married to the instruction of Jesus.
I can’t wait to see your justification before God! Self righteousness?
Ed Chapman
Hello Richoka
Thank you for this share.
Please may i ask you to explain the difference between instructions and laws?
Thanks again
Referring to the difference between Levitical sacrificial laws…and other instructions like staying away from unclean foods etcetera.
Hello Richoka
Thank you for replying. Think laws are considered – essential – and instructions – wise – to follow. You differentiate between sacrificial law-keeping and other ‘instructive’ rules, if rightly understood.
Thank you again
You’re Right,,, Matthew 5:17-20
English Standard Version
Christ Came to Fulfill the Law
17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Yup. That’s a great NT verse that I quote often.
Be blessed!
ok..good sir, my question is, well first, when jesus was nailed and died on the cross, were the 600 + mosaic laws nailed to the cross and done away with, my understanding, they were, because those laws were outside of the ark, but the 10 commandments or 10 words as i have been told they are, those are GODs moral laws and it is those laws that were not nailed to the cross that will forever be in place because they were placed inside the ark..
thats not to say the other laws are not useful today though.
thank you for your time and i enjoy your teaching and insight .
The 10 words of God were representative of the Mosaic Law…
So it wouldn’t make sense to separate things and say the Law of Moses was nailed to the cross while the 10 Words were not.
What was nailed to the cross was the eternal death as a consequence of breaking God’s holy laws.