Today we begin 1st Samuel Chapter 16.
For the Complete Jewish Bible, click HERE.
For the King James Version, click HERE.
“Never again did Sh’mu’el see Sha’ul, until the day he died. But Sh’mu’el grieved over Sha’ul, and Adonai regretted that he had made Sha’ul king over Isra’el. Adonai said to Sh’mu’el, ‘How much longer are you going to go on grieving for Sha’ul, now that I have rejected him as king over Isra’el? Fill your horn with oil, and set out; I will send you to Yishai the Beit-Lachmi, because I have chosen myself a king from among his sons.'”-1 Samuel 15:35-16:1
The day I’ve been patiently waiting for has arrived!
After many long years in my blogging journey, I’m finally introduced to the great King David!
And boy, has it been a loooooong wait…
Over ten years to be exact.
But here we are!
I tell ya David has got to be one of my favorite characters in the whole Bible.
He’s one of the few men in the Scripture who the Lord said was “a man after mine own heart”.
David will establish his fame as a young boy by slewing the giant Goliath.
He will be the one who captures Jerusalem from her gentile enemies and makes it the capital of Israel.
And most importantly, it will be from David’s line that the Messiah will emerge.
The Messiah will be so closely intertwined with David that he’s even called the “Son of David” in the New Testament.
Now, while everything I just mentioned is all cool and dandy, that ain’t the real reason I’m getting goosebumps while typing this.
The main reason I love King David so much is that he represents the WARRIOR side of the Messiah.
This is an aspect I feel is so underrepresented if not completely overlooked in Christianity, a religion that in my opinion overemphasizes the love attribute of God at the expense of all of the Lord’s other attributes.
Make no mistake about it folks…
The Bible is more of a war manual than anything.
And it’s a welcome war manual at this time in my life given the many battles and challenges I’m facing.
If you’ve ever needed or wanted a guide that will give you the power and motivation to utterly destroy your enemies on the battlefield no matter how overpowered or outnumbered you feel, King David is your man.
So you can forget all of that self-help junk being peddled by the New Ager manifest-whatever-your-mind-can-conceive idiots.
Studying the life of King David is ALL you need to slay and succeed faster and further than you could’ve ever dreamed possible.
Don’t forget, when Yeshua returns to conclude the battle of Armageddon, he’s coming back filled with the ferocious warrior spirit of King David.
And boy, it ain’t gonna be pretty.
So this chapter has two distinct divisions.
Verses 1 – 13 are all about how God selected David to be Israel’s first king.
And verses 14 – 23 are all about how King Saul selected David to be a member of his court.
The events of the second part are the result of what happens in the first part.
In other words, God’s choice of David led to Saul’s election of David.
The only funny thing about this story is that Saul had no idea he was selecting his replacement when he chose David to become a member of his court.
In his mind, he was simply hiring a musician and a personal bodyguard.
I’m getting ahead of myself here but one of the biggest lessons to be learned from the lives of these two men is how they responded to being caught up in events that were beyond their control.
They were both unwitting participants in the Lord’s divine plan of salvation for Israel which was so much bigger than themselves.
But there was one key difference between these two men.
King Saul made the fatal choice to fight against God’s cosmic plan of redemption.
On the other hand, David chose to accept it even though he had no idea what God was doing or where he was being led.
In other words, David was operating under pure faith and trust that the Lord would work everything out for the good.
There’s a huge lesson there, don’t you think?
Stop trying to control your life, or the events in your life.
You can’t man!
If you could, you’d be God yourself, and you’re not.
So stop trying to control all those chaotic waves crashing up and down all around you.
Simply surrender to God and ride the divine surf He’s prepared for you…
When you do that, He’ll get you to the shore in victory.
Ya feel me?
“The book of the genealogy
of Yeshua the Messiah,
the son of David,
the son of Abraham.”
-Matthew 1:1
“Thus there were fourteen generations
from Avraham to David,
fourteen generations from
David to the Babylonian Exile,
and fourteen generations from
the Babylonian Exile to the Messiah.”
-Matthew 1:17
“As Yeshua went on from there,
two blind men followed him,
calling out,
‘Have mercy on us,
Son of David!‘”
-Matthew 9:27
“A Canaanite woman from
that vicinity came to him,
crying out, ‘Lord, Son of David,
have mercy on me!
My daughter is demon-possessed
and suffering terribly.'”
-Matthew 15:22
P.S. Keep in mind the final verse in Chapter 15 and the first verse in Chapter 16 were meant to run together one right after the other. I think the manmade chapter split is confusing. Note that’s how I copied and pasted the verses above. The verse colored in red is the last in Chapter 15. Later!
1st class concision. Amen.
Thank you Gim!